attn beautiful, generous lift gurus,

I've spawned off a scheduling actor that spend most of its time
asleep; it just wakes up to tell another actor when to do things i.e:
actor{ loop{ sleep( an hour ); mainActor ! "do something" }}. Works
like a champ except for one thing: jetty can't get clobbered with the
good ol trusty ctrl-c anymore :( It reports a message about not
interrupting my actor's sleep: java.lang.InterruptedException: sleep
interrupted...  GAH! enough beauty rest already! Time to die!

Now I got a couple things to try, and things to google - but I could
surely spare myself some time by pinging you guys since one or all of
you are likely to instantly know what to do ...

Oh as a side topic for any who wish to share. Anybody have advice/
wisdom on a development web container or time saving tips?. Obviously
the jetty/javarebel/scala:cc is ten shades of awesome..  but this is
more with regards to changes that fall out of that scope...  I
recently read an article written by a guy that was hot-deploying is
lift apps in glassfish 3 (
2008/05/scala_lift_web.html). I was thinking it might be worth looking
into hot deploy - but then realized jetty starts and stops so fast
that it might as well be a hot deploy already. In fact, the bulk of my
jetty:run time is spent letting maven do its thing. So is anybody else
as impatient and me and have any tips to share? I already do the mvn -
o to shave off a few seconds but is there any easy trick to shave off
more? Perhaps bypassing maven entirely? Or is there any other
container / deployment mechanism you guys like?

Thanks guys,


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