
At the end of the Scala Lift Off, after I finished my third beer, Martin
Odersky came over to me and asked, "so, what's the future of Lift?"

I gave a hand-waving answer about the features for 1.1.  But Martin is not a
hand-waving kind of guy and I think I owe him and the other folks in the
Scala and Lift communities more.

There's a lot more that's necessary for web app development than Lift, an
abstraction to the HTTP request/response cycle, can provide.

Over the last couple of years, I've been noticing trends in web development,
in the needs of my various consulting gigs, and in some other projects.
It's clear to me that it's time for a unified data and data management model
that goes beyond OR mapping and that is scalably transactional.  I've put
together a model that looks to the developer like STM but is backed with
ZooKeeper and Cassandra.  I've blogged about it at,-Goat-Rodeo-and-Such.html

Just as my web framework manifesto was the genesis of what has become Lift,
I hope that my notions and ramblings in this blog post will become concrete,
usable code over the next few months and a solid platform for building the
next generation of web systems over the next few years... all built with
Scala at their core.



Lift, the simply functional web framework
Beginning Scala
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