Hi Lift folks,

Today I checked in the first little step towards OSGi support:

   - Modules lift-util and lift-webkit are no longer plain vanilla JARs, but
   built as OSGi bundles (OSGi metadata in META-INF/MANIFEST.MF)
   - New module lift-osgi which offers (yet very limited) support for Lift
   application bundles (to ones you write)
   - New example module (under sites) examples-osgi with one (yet very
   limited) examples-osgi-hello bundle

The first thing I would like to ask you is to verify that the changes to the
existing modules are free of side effects: Lift should work without OSGi
just like before. As the changes to lift-util and lift-webkit are merely in
the manifest, I am very confident, but just to be sure ...

And for those of you interested in OSGi:
Currently there is only support for resources (templates) contributed from
Lift-powered bundles to a composite Lift application. Yet no snippets, no
custom dispatch, etc. Please take a look at sites/examples-osgi/hello. Note
the new manifest header Lift-Config in the POM (the value is yet without any
meaning). This bundle contributes its resources under webapp to a composite
Lift application. The actual work is done by lift-osgi which is an
implementation of the extender pattern. In order to run the example, I
suggest you use Pax Runner
<http://paxrunner.ops4j.org/space/Pax+Runner>with the scala and web
profiles and the provided component configuration
file at sites/examples-osgi/hello/hello.component. Else you will have to
provision OSGi bundles for Scala, ScalaModules, Lift and all required
dependencies (take a look into hello.component) by hand.

Of course I would be very glad to get some reviews on my Scala code, because
I guess there is still a long way of learning ahead ...

My blog: heikoseeberger.name
Follow me: twitter.com/hseeberger
OSGi on Scala: www.scalamodules.org
Lift, the simply functional web framework: liftweb.net

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