I'm sorry that I have another problem report. 

Recently I wanted to have a Mapper with a String uuid as primary key. I found 
out that MappedStringIndex does that.
It didn't work though.

Using it with with a derby driver threw this exception:
  Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: 'ID' cannot be a column of a primary key   
  or unique key because it can contain null values.                    
The create table looked here like it generated the id itself, so the lift 
generated id isn't saved in the db.

The H2 driver did this:
  CREATE TABLE myuuidmapper (id VARCHAR(64))
  INSERT INTO myuuidmapper () VALUES ()
This means the generated id was not saved in the database.

I attached an example project. Boot.scala is configured for H2 as default, the 
derby configuration is commented out.


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Attachment: liftbug-db.tar.gz
Description: application/compressed-tar

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