
This is probably way out of scope, but since someone brought up XPath, i
couldn't resist... LINQ-like support for XQuery?

Best wishes,


On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 3:34 PM, Alex Cruise <> wrote:

> Hi folks!
> I'm Alex Cruise (obviously!) I'm a software architect at
> (located in Vancouver, Canada) and have been
> hanging around the Scala community for about a year and a half.  I have
> recently volunteered to serve as a coordinator for the Scala XML team.  At
> this time, the XML team (apart from EPFL people, of course) consists of
> myself, Michael Fogus, Normen Müller and (I think) David Pollak, but
> contributions--including bug reports, patches, complaints, feature requests
> and existential angst--are of course welcome from everyone.
> On behalf of said team, I would like to invite everyone who is interested
> in Scala's XML support to join the new scala-xml list!  (This post cc'd to
> scala and liftweb--the latter because the Lift project is easily one of the
> heaviest users of scala.xml, and I'm certain that members of that community
> will enthusiastically join in the discussion in short order. :)  If you'd
> like to watch the sausage being made, or even turn the crank a bit yourself,
> please subscribe to scala-xml by sending an empty email to
> .
> Here's some background info for anyone who is unfamiliar with Scala's XML
> support:  The Scala compiler supports XML literals in Scala source files,
> with very few additional restrictions on their syntax.  XML literals are
> translated into a tree built from instances of several classes in the
> scala.xml package (
>$package.html), and may
> contain nested Scala expressions (each of which can also incorporate
> sub-nested XML literals, etc...) whose results are interpolated into the
> XML.
> The scala.xml.Node class and its descendants form a comparatively
> lightweight, immutable, DOM-like representation of XML that can be used in
> pattern matching and provide simple, XPath-like node selection queries. The
> package also contains a few parsers and other assorted tools.
> IMO we owe a debt of gratitude to Burak Emir, the primary developer of
> scala.xml.  I believe he has laid a solid foundation that will serve us
> well.  Burak also wrote
> which gives
> insight into the rationale behind the design and implementation of the
> library.
> Now, let's kick off the list with a small agenda:
> 1) Bug triage
> Rather than list the (~18) known bugs here, I'll supply an URL (
>, and anyone who feels
> like their favourite bug merits further discussion should fire up a new
> topic on scala-xml and we'll start hashing it out.  If nobody pipes up I'll
> start posting individual emails regarding each bug with a few of my own
> comments in a few days.
> 2) Proposed enhancements
> I'm sure many of us have a wish list of things we would like to see changed
> in Scala's XML support--please feel free to join in and tell us all about
> them.
> Thanks for your time,
> -0xe1a

L.G. Meredith
Managing Partner
Biosimilarity LLC
806 55th St NE
Seattle, WA 98105

+1 206.650.3740

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