Hi, and welcome to Lift!

On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 10:46 AM, DFectuoso<santiago1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi! I'm starting to use lift/scala(I don't know either) and already I
> have a couple of (very very basic) questions.
> I'm reading "The definitive guide to lift" and even tho it's been
> enough to actually understand some of the key elements of a lift
> application I am having some problems understanding some of the code
> and how you people work with Lift.
> 1.- What tools do you use to program, debug and run the website? At
> this moment I'm using text mate to program and the terminal to run
> yetti; It's very slow to run yetti every time and its hard to
> understand the errors so i tried eclipse but I had trouble installing
> the maven plug-in so... what is your toolbox?

I tend to like Netbeans 6.7 (currently in rc3 status) with the Scala
plugin. Others use Eclipse, IDEA, Vim, and Emacs with varying degrees
of success. I'm not familiar with yetti (jetty?) but a lot of folks in
the Lift community use JavaRebel speed things up and avoid container
restarts. I run my app on Glassfish (with JavaRebel in development),
but any servlet container will work and jetty is probably be the best
for getting started.

> 2.- What is _ and Full in different places?
> I see that  in a binding "name" -> SHtml.text(name, name = _)  or when
> checking for cases there's a case for Full(_) and for _ ; what does _
> means and what does Full mean; and whats the difference between Full
> (_) and _.

_ is the great wildcard in Scala. In the binding example, "name = _"
is equivalent to the anonymous function (s: String) => name = s. A
case matching on Full(_) will match any Full box, ignoring the type of
its contents. A case matching on _ will match any value not matched by
previous clauses.

> 3.-Reading about the flow from request to response; i cant avoid to
> ask: How many times does the Boot(or bootloader) run? Once when i run
> the app(or web server; yetti in my case) or once every time there's a
> request?

Boot is run on startup, and not re-run subsequently. This can cause
some trickiness when using JavaRebel; you will need to restart the
application if you make changes to Boot.


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