
The following code works without going through the M-P-O construction. It
enjoys approximately the same brevity as a Haskell type class.

// smallest expression of monad i can find
trait MBrace[C[_] <: MBrace[C,A],A] {
  def nest( a : A ) : C[A]
  def flatten[T <: C[C[A]]]( bsq : T ) : C[A]

// one of the simplest witnesses of monad i can find
class MBraceSeq[A]( a_ : A* ) extends Seq[A] with MBrace[MBraceSeq,A] {
  override def nest( a : A ) = new MBraceSeq[A]( a )
  override def flatten[T <: MBraceSeq[MBraceSeq[A]]]( bsq : T ) :
MBraceSeq[A] = {
    (new MBraceSeq[A]( ) /: bsq)( {
      ( acc : MBraceSeq[A], e : MBraceSeq[A] ) => ( acc ++ e
    } )
  override def length = a_.length
  override def elements = a_.elements
  override def apply( n : Int ) = a_.apply( n )

Best wishes,


On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 3:49 PM, Meredith Gregory

> All,
> Am i correct in concluding that the solution in The Moors-Piessens-Odersky
> paper only works with collections that have been clever enough to have used
> type members rather that type parameters? Or, is there a trick to making the
> vast majority of the collections types that are parametrically typed look as
> if they have type members? (See example below.)
> Best wishes,
> --greg
> // Paraphrasing the basic Moors-Piessens-Odersky construction
> trait TypeCtor1 { type E }
> trait Brace[A] extends TypeCtor1 {
>   type C <: TypeCtor1
>   def nest( a : A ) : C{type E = A}
>   def flatten( bsq : C{type E=C{type E=A}} ) : C{type E=A}
> }
> // Now, how to make a version of BraceList since List is parametrically
> typed?
> --
> L.G. Meredith
> Managing Partner
> Biosimilarity LLC
> 1219 NW 83rd St
> Seattle, WA 98117
> +1 206.650.3740

L.G. Meredith
Managing Partner
Biosimilarity LLC
1219 NW 83rd St
Seattle, WA 98117

+1 206.650.3740

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