I have a stateful snippet:

class TemplateEditor
     extends StatefulSnippet
     val template =
          S.redirectTo("chooser", () => {
              S.error("Session information lost, please choose what  
template to edit again")

with a companion object holding a RequestVar:

object TemplateEditor
     /** Request var that is populated with what template is under  
edit */
     object template extends RequestVar[Box[Template]](Empty)

The flow is that another page with snippet chooses a template to edit,  
and then uses:

    S.redirectTo("/editor", () =>  
{ TemplateEditor.template(Full(template)) })

to stuff the template to edit into the RequestVar. I'd like for the  
state of TemplateEditor to
use the value of the RequestVar, but not to require every link to re- 
stuff that RequestVar once
the StatefulSnippet has been instantiated, and not require each  
snippet method to be wrapped
with the logic to check the RequestVar and do the redirect if it's not  

The problem I'm running into is that snippet instantiation is  
apparently too early to use
S.redirectTo -- the Shortcut exception is being trapped as an  
instantiation exception and not
being used as a redirect.

It doesn't look entirely trivial to touch up LiftSession to pass this  
through, so I guess
I'm partly soliciting feedback on whether there's a better pattern to  
use here (lazy val?) and
partly asking if the behavior as it stands is desired.


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