Re: [Lift] What is purpose of RequestVar/StatefulSnipplet for forms?

2010-01-27 Thread Adam Warski
Hello, What's the purpose of RequestVars and StatefulSnippet? I thought the values were retained anyway through POST. That is, on submit, the functions desc = _ and amount = _ were executed and the so the state was kept... Are those functions only executed after the bind is complete? There

[Lift] What is purpose of RequestVar/StatefulSnipplet for forms?

2010-01-26 Thread tommycli
Hi, I'm reading the lift book about forms, and in reference to this code: def add (xhtml : NodeSeq) : NodeSeq = { var desc = var amount = 0 def processEntryAdd () { ... } bind(entry, xhtml, description - SHtml.text(desc, desc = _), amount - SHtml.text(amount, amount = _), submit -