Loving the new lift-json code.  We've been producing XML for a REST
API, and now need to produce JSON.  lift-json to the rescue,
except...the Xml converter doesn't handle attributes:

scala> val xml = <user id="7"><name>Bert</name></user>
xml: scala.xml.Elem = <user id="7"><name>Bert</name></user>

scala> val json = toJson(xml)
json: net.liftweb.json.JsonAST.JValue =

scala> JsonDSL.compact(JsonAST.render(json))
res5: String = {"user":{"name":"Bert"}}

I'd expect res5 to be something like:  {"user":{"id":"7","name":"Bert"}}

I'm either missing a clue, or this is a feature request.

I can see there's ambiguity in how you might map the above JSON back
to XML with attributes, but it seems reasonable that if you have XML +
attributes they would be present in a JSON representation.

Thank you

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