[Lift] Re: Friendly URL's?

2008-10-27 Thread Sasha Kazachonak
Unfortunately, I don't fully understand how the current Loc stuff is
supposed to be used. I like many things in lift a lot, but I want
first-class friendly URL's support. So I wrote it. It is used like this:

val entries =
  Menu(Loc(index, List(index), Main)) ::
  Menu(ParamsLoc(user-profile, user/Param(user)) ::
  Menu(ParamsLoc(user-actions, user/Param(user)/actions)) ::
  Menu(ParamsLoc(user-message, user
/Param(user)/message/Param(to).optional))) :: Nil

Of course, I still use LocStuff:
Menu(ParamsLoc(one, two/Param(three), If(Everything.right _,

Then in a snippet I can use params like this:
  def showProfile = (for (
id - S.param(user);
user - User.findByKey(id.toLong)
  ) yield
  ) openOr Text(User not found)

Actual templates for above locations are user.html, user-actions.html and
user-message.html. Notice, I could use user/actions.html, but current menus
don't let you have a folder with the same name as a template. For example
Menu(Loc(a, List(a), a)) ::
Menu(Loc(b, List(a, b), b)) ::
work separately. But if you put them in one menu together and try entering 
server.com/a url, you'll get confusing
Message: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: line 1 does not exist
Is it a bug?

My solution is not ideal, but works for me and took only about 50 LOCs to
write:) If you are interested, I'll attach the code.

On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 5:43 PM, Tim Perrett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Right, i've been working on this for most of the day trying to
 understand exactly whats going on. I have a working sample, but its
 not how I would want it to work in an ideal world.


 What I really want to do is split the functionality to point at
 differnet HTML files to keep it all tidy as possible and so that the
 scala file doesnt get cologged with HTML. So, I try rewriting to a
 file called list as opposed to articles with the following:

  override val rewrite: LocRewrite = Full({
case RewriteRequest(ParsePath(index :: Nil, _, _,_),_, _) =
  (RewriteResponse(list :: Nil), ListLoc)

 But it refuses to have it - jetty just serves the contents of the
 directory. There is obviously something going on that is not obvious -
 like I say, it all works fine if i just use a single HTML file, but
 thats *really* not what I want as its messy.

 How can I resolve this?



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[Lift] Re: Encrypting user passwords with Jasypt and JPA

2008-10-27 Thread Tim Perrett

Yeah - I usually would add dependecies o a project unless really  
nesicary, but as it was only 150k all in I thought what the hell

Seems to be working quite nicely so far :-)

Cheers, Tim

Sent from my iPhone

On 27 Oct 2008, at 04:59, Charles F. Munat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Very nice. I'm going to check this Jasypt out when I get a chance. You
 just drop in the jar and then you can use it?


 Tim Perrett wrote:
 FYI - for completeness, this is what I did in my model class:



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[Lift] Re: deployment hassles with multiple sites

2008-10-27 Thread David Bernard

How do you configure you're apache proxy ?

On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 7:45 AM, Charles F. Munat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've deployed a beta version of my app to Tomcat, so it's available at

 Then I proxied Apache over to localhost:8080/xxx/

 And it works.

 But all the links in my app have /xxx/ prepended to them, so they try to
 go to /xxx/xxx/the_link instead of just /xxx/the_link. Lift (or the
 container) is plugging the name in there and basing it on the server
 root rather than the application root.

 Anyone know how to fix this?




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[Lift] Re: Friendly URL's?

2008-10-27 Thread Tim Perrett

Hey Sasha,

Thanks for your input - if your willing to post the code that would be
brilliant :)

Cheers, Tim

On Oct 26, 11:50 pm, Sasha Kazachonak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Unfortunately, I don't fully understand how the current Loc stuff is
 supposed to be used. I like many things in lift a lot, but I want
 first-class friendly URL's support. So I wrote it. It is used like this:

 val entries =
   Menu(Loc(index, List(index), Main)) ::
   Menu(ParamsLoc(user-profile, user/Param(user)) ::
   Menu(ParamsLoc(user-actions, user/Param(user)/actions)) ::
   Menu(ParamsLoc(user-message, user
 /Param(user)/message/Param(to).optional))) :: Nil

 Of course, I still use LocStuff:
 Menu(ParamsLoc(one, two/Param(three), If(Everything.right _,

 Then in a snippet I can use params like this:
   def showProfile = (for (
     id - S.param(user);
     user - User.findByKey(id.toLong)
   ) yield
   ) openOr Text(User not found)

 Actual templates for above locations are user.html, user-actions.html and
 user-message.html. Notice, I could use user/actions.html, but current menus
 don't let you have a folder with the same name as a template. For example
 Menu(Loc(a, List(a), a)) ::
 Menu(Loc(b, List(a, b), b)) ::
 work separately. But if you put them in one menu together and try entering 
 server.com/a url, you'll get confusing
 Message: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: line 1 does not exist
 Is it a bug?

 My solution is not ideal, but works for me and took only about 50 LOCs to
 write:) If you are interested, I'll attach the code.

 On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 5:43 PM, Tim Perrett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Right, i've been working on this for most of the day trying to
  understand exactly whats going on. I have a working sample, but its
  not how I would want it to work in an ideal world.


  What I really want to do is split the functionality to point at
  differnet HTML files to keep it all tidy as possible and so that the
  scala file doesnt get cologged with HTML. So, I try rewriting to a
  file called list as opposed to articles with the following:

   override val rewrite: LocRewrite = Full({
     case RewriteRequest(ParsePath(index :: Nil, _, _,_),_, _) =
       (RewriteResponse(list :: Nil), ListLoc)

  But it refuses to have it - jetty just serves the contents of the
  directory. There is obviously something going on that is not obvious -
  like I say, it all works fine if i just use a single HTML file, but
  thats *really* not what I want as its messy.

  How can I resolve this?


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[Lift] Re: deployment hassles with multiple sites

2008-10-27 Thread Marius

Why don't deploy your app using root context / in tomcat?

On Oct 27, 8:45 am, Charles F. Munat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've deployed a beta version of my app to Tomcat, so it's available at

 Then I proxied Apache over to localhost:8080/xxx/

 And it works.

 But all the links in my app have /xxx/ prepended to them, so they try to
 go to /xxx/xxx/the_link instead of just /xxx/the_link. Lift (or the
 container) is plugging the name in there and basing it on the server
 root rather than the application root.

 Anyone know how to fix this?


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[Lift] Re: deployment hassles with multiple sites

2008-10-27 Thread Marius

Pre-pending context path is a VERY GOOD thing. David we can probably
move prepending context path in LiftRules.urlDecorate ... the default
implementation will prepend context path but if one wants to do
something else they it;s very easy to do. This would imply to change a
bit URLDecorator but that's trivial.

Let me know your thoughts.


On Oct 27, 8:09 pm, David Pollak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Lift automatically takes care of prepending the context path to URLs that
 Lift rewrites.  I had worked on a way around it, but have not finished the

 Is having the context path a bad thing in the URL presented to the 

 On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 2:43 AM, Charles F. Munat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  In vhosts.d/xxx.conf:

    ServerName beta.xxx.org
    ServerAlias beta.xxx.orgwww.beta.xxx.org
    DocumentRoot /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/xxx/
    AddDefaultCharset utf-8

    Directory /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/xxx/
      Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks

      AllowOverride All
      Order allow,deny
      Allow from all

    RewriteEngine On

    LocationMatch ^[^/]
      Deny from all

    IfModule mod_proxy.c
      ProxyRequests Off

      ProxyPassReverse /http://localhost:8080/xxx/

      ProxyPreserveHost On

      Proxy *
        Order deny,allow
        Allow from all

      RewriteRule ^/(images|stylesheets|javascripts)/?(.*) $0 [L]
      RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
      RewriteRule ^/(.*) http://localhost:8080/xxx/$1; [P,QSA,L]

    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/xml text/plain text/css
  application/x-javascript text/javascript
    BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html
    BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4\.0[678] no-gzip
    BrowserMatch \bMSIE !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html

  It's passing everything through OK, just prepending /xxx to every link
  -- stylesheets, images, anchors, etc.


  David Bernard wrote:
   How do you configure you're apache proxy ?

   On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 7:45 AM, Charles F. Munat [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   I've deployed a beta version of my app to Tomcat, so it's available at

   Then I proxied Apache over to localhost:8080/xxx/

   And it works.

   But all the links in my app have /xxx/ prepended to them, so they try to
   go to /xxx/xxx/the_link instead of just /xxx/the_link. Lift (or the
   container) is plugging the name in there and basing it on the server
   root rather than the application root.

   Anyone know how to fix this?



 Lift, the simply functional web frameworkhttp://liftweb.net
 Collaborative Task Managementhttp://much4.us
 Follow me:http://twitter.com/dpp
 Git some:http://github.com/dpp
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[Lift] Re: deployment hassles with multiple sites

2008-10-27 Thread Charles F. Munat

Not sure I understand. How does one do that? Do you have a link?

(I'll start looking.)

Would that still permit multiple Lift apps in the same servlet 
container, or would I have to run one Tomcat each?


Marius wrote:
 Why don't deploy your app using root context / in tomcat?
 On Oct 27, 8:45 am, Charles F. Munat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've deployed a beta version of my app to Tomcat, so it's available at

 Then I proxied Apache over to localhost:8080/xxx/

 And it works.

 But all the links in my app have /xxx/ prepended to them, so they try to
 go to /xxx/xxx/the_link instead of just /xxx/the_link. Lift (or the
 container) is plugging the name in there and basing it on the server
 root rather than the application root.

 Anyone know how to fix this?



You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
Lift group.
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For more options, visit this group at 

[Lift] Re: deployment hassles with multiple sites

2008-10-27 Thread Marius

In tomcat you usually have a webapps/ROOT folder. Try putting you
webapp in this ROOT folder (unarchived).

If that does not work, try looking into server.xml for Context
path= docBase=ROOT debug=0/. Try change your docBase to the
folder of your webapp. You can alsouse context.xml but depends on your
tomcat version where this should be. On tomcat 6.x context.xml should
be in META-INF folder (if I remember correctly)


On Oct 27, 9:00 pm, Charles F. Munat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Not sure I understand. How does one do that? Do you have a link?

 (I'll start looking.)

 Would that still permit multiple Lift apps in the same servlet
 container, or would I have to run one Tomcat each?


 Marius wrote:
  Why don't deploy your app using root context / in tomcat?

  On Oct 27, 8:45 am, Charles F. Munat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I've deployed a beta version of my app to Tomcat, so it's available at

  Then I proxied Apache over to localhost:8080/xxx/

  And it works.

  But all the links in my app have /xxx/ prepended to them, so they try to
  go to /xxx/xxx/the_link instead of just /xxx/the_link. Lift (or the
  container) is plugging the name in there and basing it on the server
  root rather than the application root.

  Anyone know how to fix this?


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Lift group.
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For more options, visit this group at 

[Lift] Re: deployment hassles with multiple sites

2008-10-27 Thread Marius

funny my old post went through ... (sorry for the spam)

On Oct 27, 9:41 pm, Marius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In tomcat you usually have a webapps/ROOT folder. Try putting you
 webapp in this ROOT folder (unarchived).

 If that does not work, try looking into server.xml for Context
 path= docBase=ROOT debug=0/. Try change your docBase to the
 folder of your webapp. You can alsouse context.xml but depends on your
 tomcat version where this should be. On tomcat 6.x context.xml should
 be in META-INF folder (if I remember correctly)


 On Oct 27, 9:00 pm, Charles F. Munat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Not sure I understand. How does one do that? Do you have a link?

  (I'll start looking.)

  Would that still permit multiple Lift apps in the same servlet
  container, or would I have to run one Tomcat each?


  Marius wrote:
   Why don't deploy your app using root context / in tomcat?

   On Oct 27, 8:45 am, Charles F. Munat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I've deployed a beta version of my app to Tomcat, so it's available at

   Then I proxied Apache over to localhost:8080/xxx/

   And it works.

   But all the links in my app have /xxx/ prepended to them, so they try to
   go to /xxx/xxx/the_link instead of just /xxx/the_link. Lift (or the
   container) is plugging the name in there and basing it on the server
   root rather than the application root.

   Anyone know how to fix this?


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Lift group.
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For more options, visit this group at 

[Lift] Re: deployment hassles with multiple sites

2008-10-27 Thread Marius

hmm .. I though I hit send but my response didn't seem to make it.

1. Try to unwar your app in webapps/ROOT folder
2. Try to set context path= docBase=path to your folder/. You
can do this in server.xml or context.xml


On Oct 27, 9:00 pm, Charles F. Munat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Not sure I understand. How does one do that? Do you have a link?

 (I'll start looking.)

 Would that still permit multiple Lift apps in the same servlet
 container, or would I have to run one Tomcat each?


 Marius wrote:
  Why don't deploy your app using root context / in tomcat?

  On Oct 27, 8:45 am, Charles F. Munat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I've deployed a beta version of my app to Tomcat, so it's available at

  Then I proxied Apache over to localhost:8080/xxx/

  And it works.

  But all the links in my app have /xxx/ prepended to them, so they try to
  go to /xxx/xxx/the_link instead of just /xxx/the_link. Lift (or the
  container) is plugging the name in there and basing it on the server
  root rather than the application root.

  Anyone know how to fix this?


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Lift group.
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[Lift] Re: Friendly URL's?

2008-10-27 Thread Sasha Kazachonak
Here it is

import net.liftweb.http._
import net.liftweb.util._

import net.liftweb.sitemap._
import net.liftweb.sitemap.Loc._

import scala.xml._

object ParamsLoc {
  def apply(name: String, uri: Uri, params: LocStuff*) = new ParamsLoc(name,
uri, Hidden :: params.toList)

  class ParamsLink(uri: Uri) extends Link[NullLocParams](List(), false) {
override def isDefinedAt(req: RequestState): Boolean = req.path.partPath
== List(uri.templateName)

  implicit def strToUriString(in: String): UriString = UriString(in)

class ParamsLoc(theName: String, uri: Uri, params: List[LocStuff]) extends
Loc[NullLocParams] {
  def name = theName
  def link: Loc.Link[NullLocParams] = new ParamsLoc.ParamsLink(uri)

  def text: Loc.LinkText[NullLocParams] = null // No link?
  def defaultParams: Can[NullLocParams] = Full(NullLocParams)

  def stuff: List[LocStuff] = params

  override def rewrite: LocRewrite = Full(new
PartialFunction[RewriteRequest, (RewriteResponse, NullLocParams)] {
override def isDefinedAt(req: RewriteRequest): Boolean =
override def apply(req: RewriteRequest): (RewriteResponse,
NullLocParams) =
uri.params(req.path.partPath)), NullLocParams)

trait UriElement {
  def /(that: UriElement): Uri = Uri(this :: that :: Nil)

case class UriString(str: String) extends UriElement

case class Param(name: String) extends UriElement {
  var isOptional = false
  def optional = {isOptional = true; this}

case class Uri(elements: List[UriElement]) extends UriElement {
  override def /(that: UriElement): Uri = Uri(this.elements ::: List(that))

  def templatePath: List[String] = for (UriString(str) - elements) yield
  def templateName: String = templatePath.mkString(, -, )

  def params(path: List[String]): Map[String, String] = Map((
for ((Param(name), value) - elements zip path) yield name - value

  def matches(path: List[String]): Boolean = {
val lastParamIsOptional = elements.last match {
  case p: Param = p.isOptional
  case _ = false
if (path.length == elements.length || lastParamIsOptional 
elements.length == path.length+1)
  List.forall2(elements, path)((el, pathPart) = el match {
case el: UriString = el.str == pathPart
case el: Param = true
case _ = false

On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 4:45 PM, Tim Perrett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey Sasha,

 Thanks for your input - if your willing to post the code that would be
 brilliant :)

 Cheers, Tim

 On Oct 26, 11:50 pm, Sasha Kazachonak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Unfortunately, I don't fully understand how the current Loc stuff is
  supposed to be used. I like many things in lift a lot, but I want
  first-class friendly URL's support. So I wrote it. It is used like this:
  val entries =
Menu(Loc(index, List(index), Main)) ::
Menu(ParamsLoc(user-profile, user/Param(user)) ::
Menu(ParamsLoc(user-actions, user/Param(user)/actions)) ::
Menu(ParamsLoc(user-message, user
  /Param(user)/message/Param(to).optional))) :: Nil
  Of course, I still use LocStuff:
  Menu(ParamsLoc(one, two/Param(three), If(Everything.right _,
  Then in a snippet I can use params like this:
def showProfile = (for (
  id - S.param(user);
  user - User.findByKey(id.toLong)
) yield
) openOr Text(User not found)
  Actual templates for above locations are user.html, user-actions.html and
  user-message.html. Notice, I could use user/actions.html, but current
  don't let you have a folder with the same name as a template. For example
  Menu(Loc(a, List(a), a)) ::
  Menu(Loc(b, List(a, b), b)) ::
  work separately. But if you put them in one menu together and try
  server.com/a url, you'll get confusing
  Message: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: line 1 does not exist
  Is it a bug?
  My solution is not ideal, but works for me and took only about 50 LOCs to
  write:) If you are interested, I'll attach the code.
  On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 5:43 PM, Tim Perrett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Right, i've been working on this for most of the day trying to
   understand exactly whats going on. I have a working sample, but its
   not how I would want it to work in an ideal world.
   What I really want to do is split the functionality to point at
   differnet HTML files to keep it all tidy as possible and so that the
   scala file doesnt get cologged with HTML. So, I try rewriting to a
   file called list as opposed to articles with the following:
override val rewrite: LocRewrite = Full({
  case RewriteRequest(ParsePath(index :: Nil, _, _,_),_, _) =
(RewriteResponse(list :: Nil), ListLoc)

[Lift] Re: deployment hassles with multiple sites

2008-10-27 Thread Charles F. Munat

Thanks. I'll play around with this.


Marius wrote:
 In tomcat you usually have a webapps/ROOT folder. Try putting you
 webapp in this ROOT folder (unarchived).
 If that does not work, try looking into server.xml for Context
 path= docBase=ROOT debug=0/. Try change your docBase to the
 folder of your webapp. You can alsouse context.xml but depends on your
 tomcat version where this should be. On tomcat 6.x context.xml should
 be in META-INF folder (if I remember correctly)
 On Oct 27, 9:00 pm, Charles F. Munat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Not sure I understand. How does one do that? Do you have a link?

 (I'll start looking.)

 Would that still permit multiple Lift apps in the same servlet
 container, or would I have to run one Tomcat each?


 Marius wrote:
 Why don't deploy your app using root context / in tomcat?
 On Oct 27, 8:45 am, Charles F. Munat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've deployed a beta version of my app to Tomcat, so it's available at
 Then I proxied Apache over to localhost:8080/xxx/
 And it works.
 But all the links in my app have /xxx/ prepended to them, so they try to
 go to /xxx/xxx/the_link instead of just /xxx/the_link. Lift (or the
 container) is plugging the name in there and basing it on the server
 root rather than the application root.
 Anyone know how to fix this?

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
Lift group.
To post to this group, send email to liftweb@googlegroups.com
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For more options, visit this group at 

[Lift] Re: Dynamically adding fields to a form

2008-10-27 Thread David Pollak
I think using the JSON handler is the best approach.  You can add arbitrary
client fields and as long as there's a server-side JSON handler for the
given field, you're golden.

On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 2:48 PM, Derek Chen-Becker [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 I was also wondering if you could use a JSON form and the associated
 JSONHandler clas so that you could dynamically build the form and then just
 return it as JSON instead of worrying about binding directly to Lift. This
 would have limited applicability, but would keep things simple if your
 requirements match up.


 On Sun, Oct 26, 2008 at 4:40 PM, TylerWeir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've done what Marius points out as the third option.

 I haven't tried it, but could you inject a NodeSeq that contained the
 form element you need using the JsCmd AppendToHtml?

 It takes an id and a NodeSeq.  There may be a bit of jankiness to
 handle the variable number of things coming back, but I suppose to
 could add them to a collection and just process them one by one during


 On Oct 26, 8:35 am, Tim Perrett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hey Chas,
  You might be interested in this thread too:
  Long term, this is probally what you want :-) (see dpp's comments)
  Cheers, Tim


Lift, the simply functional web framework http://liftweb.net
Collaborative Task Management http://much4.us
Follow me: http://twitter.com/dpp
Git some: http://github.com/dpp

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
Lift group.
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For more options, visit this group at 

[Lift] Re: Dynamically adding fields to a form

2008-10-27 Thread Derek Chen-Becker
Right. The JSONHandler essentially presents a map of the fields it receives
in your processing method. There's an example on the Wiki here:


On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 4:42 PM, David Pollak [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I think using the JSON handler is the best approach.  You can add arbitrary
 client fields and as long as there's a server-side JSON handler for the
 given field, you're golden.

 On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 2:48 PM, Derek Chen-Becker [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 I was also wondering if you could use a JSON form and the associated
 JSONHandler clas so that you could dynamically build the form and then just
 return it as JSON instead of worrying about binding directly to Lift. This
 would have limited applicability, but would keep things simple if your
 requirements match up.


 On Sun, Oct 26, 2008 at 4:40 PM, TylerWeir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've done what Marius points out as the third option.

 I haven't tried it, but could you inject a NodeSeq that contained the
 form element you need using the JsCmd AppendToHtml?

 It takes an id and a NodeSeq.  There may be a bit of jankiness to
 handle the variable number of things coming back, but I suppose to
 could add them to a collection and just process them one by one during


 On Oct 26, 8:35 am, Tim Perrett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hey Chas,
  You might be interested in this thread too:
  Long term, this is probally what you want :-) (see dpp's comments)
  Cheers, Tim

 Lift, the simply functional web framework http://liftweb.net
 Collaborative Task Management http://much4.us
 Follow me: http://twitter.com/dpp
 Git some: http://github.com/dpp


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[Lift] Re: LiftRules.useXhtmlMimeType got lost...

2008-10-27 Thread David Pollak


I've applied this patch.  Sorry for taking so long to get back to you.


Derek Chen-Becker wrote:
 Back in this commit: 

 If the intention is for LiftRules.determineContentType to be the sole 
 arbiter of the Content-Type header, we should probably remove and/or 
 deprecate LiftRules.useXhtmlMimeType. Otherwise, the attached patch 
 will restore its functionality.



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[Lift] Kaboom

2008-10-27 Thread Charles F. Munat

Anyone know what this means:

[WARNING] Exception in thread main java.lang.RuntimeException: 
malformed Scala signature of Mailer at 5411; reference value mail of 
package javax refers to nonexisting symbol.
[WARNING]   at 
[WARNING]   at 
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[WARNING]   at 
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[WARNING]   at 
[WARNING]   at 
[WARNING]   at scala.tools.nsc.Global$$anonfun$7.apply(Global.scala:719)
[WARNING]   at 

[Lift] Re: Kaboom

2008-10-27 Thread David Pollak
This is a bug in Scala 2.7.1  Please do a mvn clean install and it'll go

On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 6:53 PM, Charles F. Munat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Anyone know what this means:

 [WARNING] Exception in thread main java.lang.RuntimeException:
 malformed Scala signature of Mailer at 5411; reference value mail of
 package javax refers to nonexisting symbol.
 [WARNING]   at

 [WARNING]   at

 [WARNING]   at

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[Lift] Re: Kaboom

2008-10-27 Thread Charles F. Munat

Nope. I tried that several times before I posted. And I blew away .m2 
and tried that, too.

The problem seems to occur after I install lift. When I blow away .m2 
and re-compile, I have to install the markdownj.jar and the 
postgresql.jdbc.jar, and then I get this:

1) net.liftweb:lift-webkit:jar:0.10-SNAPSHOT

   Try downloading the file manually from the project website.

   Then, install it using the command:
   mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=net.liftweb 
-DartifactId=lift-webkit -Dversion=0.10-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar 

   Alternatively, if you host your own repository you can deploy the 
file there:
   mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=net.liftweb 
-DartifactId=lift-webkit -Dversion=0.10-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar 
-Dfile=/path/to/file -Durl=[url] -DrepositoryId=[id]

I then downloaded the latest lift and built it, and then installed the 
lift-webkit jar. And then I get the error below no matter how many mvn 
clean installs I do. I never had this problem before, and I've done the 
above steps many times.

What am I doing wrong here? Is there a way to make Maven download lift? 
(And if anyone knows how to get the postgresql jdbc jar and the 
markdownj jar into the maven repository, I'd be interested.)


David Pollak wrote:
 This is a bug in Scala 2.7.1  Please do a mvn clean install and it'll go 
 On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 6:53 PM, Charles F. Munat [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Anyone know what this means:
 [WARNING] Exception in thread main java.lang.RuntimeException:
 malformed Scala signature of Mailer at 5411; reference value mail of
 package javax refers to nonexisting symbol.
 [WARNING]   at
 [WARNING]   at
 [WARNING]   at
 [WARNING]   at
 [WARNING]   at
 [WARNING]   at
 [WARNING]   at
 [WARNING]   at
 [WARNING]   at
 [WARNING]   at
 [WARNING]   at
 [WARNING]   at
 [WARNING]   at
 [WARNING]   at
 [WARNING]   at
 [WARNING]   at
 [WARNING]   at
 [WARNING]   at
 [WARNING]   at
 [WARNING]   at

[Lift] Re: Encrypting user passwords with Jasypt and JPA

2008-10-27 Thread efleming969

There is also SecurityHelpers which has some of this included.

On Oct 27, 9:35 pm, efleming969 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What does Jasypt offer that can't be done using java.security or

 On Oct 27, 3:16 am, Tim Perrett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Yeah - I usually would add dependecies o a project unless really  
  nesicary, but as it was only 150k all in I thought what the hell

  Seems to be working quite nicely so far :-)

  Cheers, Tim

  Sent from my iPhone

  On 27 Oct 2008, at 04:59, Charles F. Munat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Very nice. I'm going to check this Jasypt out when I get a chance. You
   just drop in the jar and then you can use it?


   Tim Perrett wrote:
   FYI - for completeness, this is what I did in my model class:

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