[Lift] Re: developing Scala/Lift using Eclipse

2009-04-23 Thread Kai M.

has this already been applied to the pom?
should it work now?

thanks alot,

On Apr 22, 4:11 pm, Josh Suereth  wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 8:53 AM, Miles Sabin  wrote:
> > On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 1:16 PM, Josh Suereth 
> > wrote:
> > > The maven-eclipse-plugin is currently "broken" in the sense that it won't
> > > pay attention to the source directories configured by the
> > maven-scala-plugin.
> > > The developers seem unwilling to try to integrate these two plugins, as
> > they
> > > have a "workaround".
> > Which developers are these? Where should I be applying pressure?
> The maven-eclipse-plugin.  We've recently attracted the attention of Jason
> van-zyl so hoepfully that will encourage more support for scala :)
> > > The workaround is to configure the build-helper-plugin in your pom with
> > the
> > > correct source directories, and then when running maven eclispe:eclipse
> > you
> > > will see these show up.  Very intuitive eh?
> > Can't that workaround be made the default behaviour for Maven Scala
> > modules? At least then things would work out of the box with Eclipse
> > (if I'm understanding the situation correctly).
> Perhaps lift should update it archetypes appropriately?  I'll update the
> documentation for the maven-scala-plugin accordingly.  I do not use the
> maven-eclipse-plugin personally, so it hasn't caused me pain directly.  I
> also recommend using one of the plugins for eclipse that actively synchs
> your data internally rather than updating eclipse configuration files
> outside of eclipse.  However,  I'll try to make sure we provide better help
> in this area.
> Would one of the lift committers please add the following to your plugins
> section in the poms for your acrchetypes:
>         org.codehaus.mojo
>         build-helper-maven-plugin
>             add-source
>             generate-sources
>               add-source
>                 src/main/scala
>             add-test-source
>             generate-sources
>               add-test-source
>                 src/test/scala
> > TBH, I'm a little bit cheesed off to discover that lots of the alleged
> > brokenness of the Scala IDE for Eclipse seem to boil down to Maven
> > trampling all over internal Eclipse metadata.
> True, the broken-ness is actually with the maven-eclipse integrations
> (specifically, the maven-eclipse-plugin "cheating" when it comes to
> calculating source directories).  I understand the gripe, however when
> integrating diverse plugins, I think misconceptions on who's to blame happen
> all the time.  The big fail here is that Maven is still working on being
> friendlier for multi-language projects, and some of the "downstream"
> projects aren't up-to-date yet.  I'm not aware of any "maven aspects" like
> feature that is flexible enoguh to allow me to monkey-patch fixes on plugins
> I have no control over, so I'm limited to trying to submit patches when
> applicable.  I hope it's not terribly inconvenient, but feel free to send
> any Maven + Eclipse questions (as they relate to adding scala support) my
> way.  I'm hoping to solve most of these issues with ESMi.
> -Josh

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[Lift] Re: developing Scala/Lift using Eclipse

2009-04-21 Thread Kai M.

sorry for taking over this thread again...
I tried NetBeans and it does not work any better. No JavaDocs, no
Sources, nothing. I tried to "download all sources/javadocs" menu-
item, etc about a dozen times..
I even got maven to work via runProject but of course there seems no
way to enable jvm-debugging via netbeans.

Just 5 minutes ago I found this "mvn eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadSources
-DdownloadJavadocs=true" command,
which does not work either:
import _root_.net.liftweb.util._
import _root_.net.liftweb.http._
import _root_.net.liftweb.sitemap._
import _root_.net.liftweb.sitemap.Loc._
are all broken...

PLEASE, is there any full description on how-to-configure-eclipse to
- full lift+scala sources
- full javadoc
- use the latest RC1 scala release
- some simple maven-automation

i am really willing to learn scala+lift but currently it's really
plain PITA.
I never needed several days to set up a new development environment,
thats kind of frustrating...

thanks a lot for your effort,

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[Lift] Re: developing Scala/Lift using Eclipse

2009-04-21 Thread Kai M.

On Apr 21, 7:10 am, Lee Mighdoll  wrote:
> On my version, I see a bunch of libraries that start out M2_REPO, and if I
> scroll the library window to the right I see that M2_REPO is successfully
> resolved to: - /home/lee/.m2/repository... If you don't see the libraries
> resolved correctly to your repository, Add Variable .. > Configure
> Variables..., gives you the chance to set the M2_REPO.

thanks alot for this fact. indeed the var was not set. however, after
setting it up, eclipse does not show any import-errors but i still can
not navigate into the sources nor do a proper build.
switching to netbeans right now... i really hope it wont get eclipse-
like PITA

+42 for eclipse-screencast ;)


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