Hi everyone.

I am starting this days to play with lift.
I am a java developer and I like to use wicket as web framework. I
would like to try something new so here I am, and I have problems that
maybe you can help.

I am trying to make the forms tutorial examples to work but I am
blocked by some compilation error.
The examples are these ones: 

and the compiler tells me that:

[WARNING] /home/della/projects/contrib/sug-it/switter/src/main/scala/
it/sug/snippet/HelloFormAjax.scala:20: error: type mismatch;
[WARNING]  found   : java.lang.String("$('#whoField').attr('value')")
[WARNING]  required: net.liftweb.http.js.JsExp
[WARNING]         "submit" --> <button type="button">{?("Send")}</
button> % ("onclick" -> ajaxCall("$('#whoField').attr('value')", s =>
[WARNING] two errors found

I have tried importing:
import net.liftweb.http.js._

but nothing changes.

I build the project from mvn archetype and it started with jetty:run
and I was able to make the helloForm working. But both helloForm2 and
helloFormAjax have compilation errors.
HelloForm2 infact give this errors:

[WARNING] /home/della/projects/contrib/sug-it/switter/src/main/scala/
it/sug/snippet/HelloForm2.scala:14: error: wrong number of parameters;
expected = 0
[WARNING]       "submit" --> submit(?("Send"), ignore => {println
("value:" + who + " :: " + param("whoField"))}),

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