Hi all,

   Here is an example code that about the ActorComet.

package com.liftcode.comet

import net.liftweb._
import http._
import js._
import JsCmds._
import net.liftweb.common._
import net.liftweb.util._
import Helpers._
import net.liftweb.http._
import _root_.scala.xml._
import scala.actors._
import scala.collection.mutable.Queue
import net.liftweb.http.SessionVar

case class Foo(getValue: String)

object FooManager {
  private var foos: List[Foo] = Nil
  def getFoos: List[Foo] = synchronized {
println("........  foos size: " + foos.size)
    foos ::= Foo(System.currentTimeMillis.toString)

class MyComet extends CometActor {

  override def defaultPrefix = Full("auth")

  private var foos = FooManager.getFoos

  def createDisplay(foos:List[Foo]):NodeSeq = {
    <span id="go"><table>
      for {foo <- foos} yield <tr><td>{foo.getValue}</td></tr>


  def render = { bind("foo" -> createDisplay(foos)) }

  override def localSetup = {
println("........  localSetup: " )
    this ! Tick

  override def lowPriority = {
    case Tick => {
println("....   Tick ....")
      foos = FooManager.getFoos
      ActorPing.schedule(this, Tick, 10 seconds)

case object Tick

   When i run  mvn jetty:run  to start the server, and type the
http://localhost:8080 in the browser.
The result will be like this, the println("....   Tick ....") method
only execute 1 time every 10 seconds.

INFO - Service request (GET) /comet_request/50054201120/farmqqw03xkm
took 46 Mil
....   Tick ....
........  foos size: 2
INFO - Service request (GET) /comet_request/87077494133/farmqqw03xkm
took 8625 M

   Then i don't close the browser, and Ctrl+C stop the jetty server,
and  mvn jetty:run  restart the server, the result will be like this:
The  println("....   Tick ....") method will be execute 3 times every
10 seconds.

INFO - Service request (GET) /comet_request/74875169086/farmqqw03xkm
took 0 Mill
........  foos size: 8
........  localSetup:
....   Tick ....
........  foos size: 9
INFO - Service request (GET) / took 109 Milliseconds
........  foos size: 10
........  localSetup:
....   Tick ....
........  foos size: 11
INFO - Service request (GET) / took 31 Milliseconds

   I don't know what's wrong with it .
   If when you stop the server, and close the browser immediately,
then use mvn jetty:run to start the server, and open a new browser to
visit http://localhost:8080,  the result is correctly.

   Thanks for any suggestion!



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