<DISCLAIMER> Nothing is this e-mail is meant to imply that any future public
version of Lift will compile with Scala 2.7.2. At the moment, all future
public versions of Lift will compile with Scala 2.7.1 until DavidP says
otherwise. </DISCLAIMER>

Here are the instructions for compiling Lift under Scala 2.7.2.RC2 and
(optionally) working with the RC2 release of the Eclipse plugin.

You will need to compile Lift from source.

These instructions were tested with:
  java -version
    java version "1.5.0_13"
    Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build
    Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_13-119, mixed mode, sharing)

  mvn -version
    Maven version: 2.0.8
    Java version: 1.5.0_13
    OS name: "mac os x" version: "10.5.4" arch: "i386" Family: "unix"

  git --version
    git version 1.5.5

  Eclipse SDK "Classic"
    Version: 3.4.0
    Build id: I20080617-2000

  Eclipse Scala Plugin

#1 Acquire Lift source
(If you already have Lift's Git repository, skip to step 2)
  git clone git://github.com/dpp/liftweb.git

#2 Make sure your Lift source is up-to-date
  cd liftweb
  git checkout master
  git pull

#3 Check out Lift's Scala 2.7.2.RC2 branch
  git checkout --track -b scala-2.7.2.RC2 origin/scala-2.7.2.RC2

#4 Install Lift without tests
  mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
(Tests must be skipped because Scala Specs is not yet compatible with

You should know have a lift-webkit-0.10-SNAPSHOT.jar in your local Maven
Any Maven projects depending on Lift 0.10-SNAPSHOT in Maven will compile
with the 2.7.2.RC2 version.
This means you need to update the scala.version in the pom.xml file of those
Maven projects to "2.7.2-rc2"

If you want to go back to using the 2.7.1 version of Lift 0.10-SNAPSHOT,
there are two ways you could do that:
  1) Delete Lift 0.10-SNAPSHOT from your local Maven repository. The next
time you need Lift 0.10-SNAPSHOT, Maven will download it from the public
scala-tools.org repository. THE PUBLIC VERSION OF LIFT 0.10-SNAPSHOT WILL
  2) Alternatively, execute:
    git checkout master
    mvn clean install

Instructions for using Eclipse with the 2.7.2.RC2 version of Lift

#5 Download and install Eclipse Classic version >= 3.4 from

#6 Install Scala Eclipse Plugin version 2.7.2.RC2 with instructions from

#7 Set your Eclipse M2_REPO environment variable to the directory of your
local Maven repository
  Eclipse --> Preferences --> Java --> Build Path --> Classpath Variables
--> New
    Name: M2_REPO
    Path: Location of your local Maven repository (usually ~/.m2/repository)

#8 Prepare your Lift project for Eclipse
In the directory for the Lift project you want to import into Eclipse
(whether a project that depends on Lift 0.10-SNAPSHOT or Lift 0.10-SNAPSHOT
itself), execute:
  mvn eclipse:eclipse

#9 Import project into Eclipse
  File --> Import --> General --> Existing Projects Into Workspace
Then select the root directory of the project you wish to import
(WARNING: If you're importing the Lift project itself, be careful. Lift is
made up of many sub-projects. Import them one at a time. If you try to
import them all at the same time, Eclipse may crash.)



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