In the recent thread, a couple people asked for the ability to create dynamic 
menu items per request from the database. David suggested 
Loc.supplimentalKidMenuItems which works fine for dynamic children of a static 
menu, but doesn't support the ability to make the top level menu dynamic.

Menu has a method called "makeMenuItem" which gives a Box of MenuItem. What 
about a new method makeMenuItems that gives a possible plurality of MenuItems 
whose default implementation deferred to the existing makeMenuItem in the case 
where it's not overridden? I made this change to my local copy of lift and it 
seems to work alright.

Example Menu:

case class DynMenu() extends Menu(Loc("dynmenu", Link(List("dynmenu"), true, 
"/dynmenu"), "Dynamic Menu")) {
    override def makeMenuItems(path: List[Loc[_]]): Iterable[MenuItem] = => {
            MenuItem(Text(, Text(, Nil, false, false, 

That is, a Menu can generate 0 or more MenuItems when the menu is being 
generated. The disadvantage I see is similar to the one with 
supplimentalKidMenuItems -- that is, you have to manually compute the 
attributes of MenuItem such as current. However, it does give you the full 
power to make whatever kind of menu items you want.

I looked briefly at seeing if it would be feasible to use a function Box[Req] 
=> SiteMap on LiftRules, but I think the RewritePF auto detection thing in 
LiftRules.setSiteMap prevents this from being the right thing. 

The change to lift-webkit:

diff --git 
index d33d1dc..79194f5 100644
--- a/lift-base/lift-webkit/src/main/scala/net/liftweb/sitemap/Menu.scala
+++ b/lift-base/lift-webkit/src/main/scala/net/liftweb/sitemap/Menu.scala
@@ -61,8 +61,10 @@ case class Menu(loc: Loc[_], kids: Menu*) extends HasKids {
   // def buildChildLine: List[MenuItem] = kids.toList.flatMap(m => 
m.loc.buildItem(Nil, false, false))
+  def makeMenuItems(path: List[Loc[_]]): Iterable[MenuItem] = 
   def makeMenuItem(path: List[Loc[_]]): Box[MenuItem] =
-  loc.buildItem(loc.buildKidMenuItems(kids), _lastInPath(path), _inPath(path))
+    loc.buildItem(loc.buildKidMenuItems(kids), _lastInPath(path), 
   private def _inPath(in: List[Loc[_]]): Boolean = in match {
     case Nil => false
diff --git 
index 7939938..f8fa307 100644
--- a/lift-base/lift-webkit/src/main/scala/net/liftweb/sitemap/SiteMap.scala
+++ b/lift-base/lift-webkit/src/main/scala/net/liftweb/sitemap/SiteMap.scala
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ case class SiteMap(globalParamFuncs: 
List[PartialFunction[Box[Req], Loc.AnyLocPa
       case Full(loc) => loc.breadCrumbs
       case _ => Nil
-    CompleteMenu(kids.flatMap(_.makeMenuItem(path)))
+    CompleteMenu(kids.flatMap(_.makeMenuItems(path)))



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