Hi Lifters,

How would you feel about renaming .scala files to match the main class/trait
in them?

Let me give you a few examples,

currently holds a trait named HttpAuthentication.
I'd like to rename it HttpAuthentication.scala

currently holds the StatefulSnippet trait,
so I'd like to rename it StatefulSnippet.scala

contains many things but the main class is AnyVar
so I'd like to rename it AnyVar.scala

and so on...

There are two reasons I'd like to make these changes.  First, I think it's a
good convention and it makes it easier to locate some of the main classes
more easily (my Java roots are showing) and second, which is much more
selfish at this point, is that Buildr does recompilation checks based on
file timestamps and the existence of a corresponding .class file in the
target directory and so it would help Buildr avoid recompiling everything
all the time even though nothing has really changed.

(I do realize practically nobody besides me uses Buildr in the Lift
community at this point but I do intend to demonstrate that it's a great
alternative to Maven.  And no, I'm not trying to replace or eradicate Maven,
I'm just trying to make my own life simpler and share the results.  I also
realize that it's likely scalac will have better recompilation detection in
the future that may make the second reason for this request irrelevant,
although I think the first reason is sufficient)

What do you think?


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