My JavaScript/JQuery programming is weak and I'm not sure how to
explain the issue I'm having, but here goes...

I have a simple template for editing and saving changes to a Mapper

 def edit(item: ModelType) =
                {item.toForm(Full("Save"), { })}

When I use a snippet to display the template on my page, the Save
submit button works fine. However,
when I grap the template from JavaScript on the client, using a
function like:


the Save button doesn't work. Changes made on the form don't get
saved. Here, the URL in load is intercepted
in a dispatch rule that simply calls a function that gets the Mapper
object from the DB and returns the template in a LiftResponse, like

Full(CreatedResponse(edit(foundItem), "text/xml"))

Is the problem with JavaScript in this case or is there something in
the dispatch rule that I'm failing to do?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


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