Hello guys,

I have a small Lift API that has to receive JSON content. The content- 
type is specified as "application/json". The API method is written as  

     def jsonTest(req: Req): LiftResponse = {

         implicit val formats = net.liftweb.json.DefaultFormats //  
Brings in default date formats etc.
         case class Person(name: String, password: String)
         val json = parse(req.body.toString) /* Line that fails */
         val person = json.extract[Person]
         CreatedResponse(wrapXmlBody(<operation id="jsonTest"  
success="true"> </operation>), "application/json")

I want to parse the content using the net.liftweb.jsonParser but the  
server returns HTTP 500 error.

If the content-type is text/xml, the message comes inside of req.xml,  
where does it come when it is application/json?

Thanks in advance,


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