
We ran into an issue today. Basically, our postgres volume went into
readonly mode, making database access...hmmm lets say less than perfect

We quickly revived the db server, but this surfaced a problem which I
think is in the default connection pool of the generated Lift archetypes
(which I haven't got around to changing...yet!):

The connections created to the db are always put back into the pool and
never tested for validity. So if the db server crashes and connections
are already in the pool, it seems like they are reused but they'll fail
when a new db server instance is started. Only recourse seems to be to
restart the container (Jetty in our case)

Most J2EE servers has some built-in connection pool functionality that
will test connections etc and create new if needed.

What are people using for their Lift apps in the simpler container-only
setup (e.g. Jetty?)


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