Hi all,

I've been working with Lift for about a little while now; there are
still plenty of aspects of Lift I haven't touched yet. One thing I am
curious about at this point though is the rationale behind having one
callback per field when generating forms. Each SHtml form element
needs to be handed its own call back function. This strikes me as a
kind of cumbersome, for instance the form examples on the Wiki and in
the Exploring Lift book all follow this pattern:

someSnippet(xml: NodeSeq) = {
    var fieldOne = ""
    var fieldTwo = ""
    def sumbitHandler() = { ... }

    bind("prefix", xml,
        "fieldOne" -> SHtml.text(fieldOne, fieldOne = _),
        "fieldTwo" -> SHtml.text(fieldTwo, fieldTwo = _),
        "formSubmit" -> SHtml.submit("Submit", submitHandler))

I've seen several examples of this exact pattern at this point and it
makes the whole fieldOne = _ callback seem like needless boiler-plate.
Why not allow for just one callback function that works over some
object encapsulating an entire form? Am I missing something?

As a corollary to this question, are there other mechanisms available
in Lift for form generation/processing?


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