I may be missing something here, but when I browse to the root of my webapp


I get served up the index.html template *unprocessed*. If I use the full URL


I get the processed template. The only thing I did was add a SiteMap to my

  val entries = Menu(Loc("Home", "index" :: Nil, "Home")) ::
    Menu(Loc("Search", "search" :: Nil, "Search")) ::

If I change the Link from "index" to "" then I still get the unprocessed
template if I use the first URL, and the second URL gives me a 404 error. If
I add in a dummy menu entry instead:

  val entries = Menu(Loc("Home", "index" :: Nil, "Home")) ::
    Menu(Loc("HomeEmpty", "" :: Nil, "HomeEmpty", Hidden)) ::
    Menu(Loc("Search", "search" :: Nil, "Search Studios")) :: Nil

Then both URLs work, but that seems redundant since I thought David had
stated before that URLs ending in "/" were automatically changed to
".../index". I could have sworn that this worked with a single menu entry
before, but my memory isn't always great. Another interesting thing to me is
that I thought that without a Menu entry templates are denied (404) by
default, so it's really strange that I'm getting the raw template back.


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