
One of the concerns raised at the Lift Workshop on Saturday was that
ill-formed XML files in your templates will fail at run time instead of
compile time, often with cryptic errors.

To correct for this, I've added a simple test to lift-archetype-basic and
lift-archetype-blank that will test all *.html and *.xml files in your
src/main/webapp directory (and its subdirectories) to make sure they can all
be loaded by Scala's XML parser. If they can't be loaded the test will fail
and notify you which files couldn't be loaded and why.

These tests run during Maven's 'test' phase. This phase is required before
the 'package', 'install', or 'deploy' phases can run. Unfortunately, the
'jetty:run' phase only requires 'test-compile', not 'test'. If you want the
test to run before starting Jetty, you'll have to specify it manually: 'mvn
test jetty:run' (or 'mvn install jetty:run', etc).

The test is available on any new projects created with Lift's archetypes. To
add the test to your own project, the code is included below. It's a simple
JUnit test. If you used a previous version of the archetypes to start your
project, you can throw it into AppTest.scala



   * Tests to make sure the project's XML files are well-formed.
   * Finds every *.html and *.xml file in src/main/webapp (and its
   * subdirectories) and tests to make sure they are well-formed.
  def testXml() = {
    var failed: List[] = Nil

    def wellFormed(file: {
      if (file.isDirectory)
        for (f <- file.listFiles) wellFormed(f)

      if (file.isFile && (file.getName.endsWith(".html") ||
file.getName.endsWith(".xml"))) {
        try {
        } catch {
          case e: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException => failed = file :: failed


    val numFails = failed.size
    if (numFails > 0) {
      val fileStr = if (numFails == 1) "file" else "files"
      val msg = "Malformed XML in " + numFails + " " + fileStr + ": " +
failed.mkString(", ")

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