When I add a boolean to the fieldOrder list, maven runs out of heap 
space on compile. As far as I can tell, the fieldOrder list becomes 
infinite. Here is an example:

object Thing extends Thing with KeyedMetaMapper[Long, Thing] {
   override def dbTableName = "things"
   override def fieldOrder = id :: name :: desc :: isArchived :: Nil

class Thing extends KeyedMapper[Long, Thing] {
   def getSingleton = Thing
   def primaryKeyField = id

   object id extends MappedLongIndex(this)

   object name extends MappedString(this, 255)

   object desc extends MappedString(this, 255)

   object isArchived extends MappedBoolean(this) {
     override def defaultValue = false


If I remove "isArchived" from the fieldOrder list, everything compiles 
and works fine. If I put it in, I run out of heap space.

Any ideas?


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