
Is there a way to configure lift-json's case class serialization so that it
uses Joda DateTimes instead of java.util.Date ?
I'd like to known how to make the simple following code work as expected:

import net.liftweb.json._
import org.joda.time._

case class MyCaseClass(dt: DateTime)

object TestMain {
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    implicit val formats = DefaultFormats
    println(Serialization.read[MyCaseClass]("""{ "dt" :
"2009-10-25T12:50:37.560+01:00" }"""))
    println(Serialization.write(MyCaseClass(new DateTime)))

(running this code yields:
MyCaseClass(2009-10-25T12:57:03.366+01:00)  <-- current date when the
program was run, not the date in the code

More generally, is there a way to customize lift-json's serialization
mappings, in particular the types lift-json sees as primitive ?
The class I'm actually interested in serializing has many fields whose type
is a non-case class MyRichFloat with a single Float field. It would be
really nice if I could (de)serialize these into JSON floats.

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