
I have set of specs test and I'm using mockito

I noticed that if I have a list of Users (pretty much same class that
is coming from archetype) and do following test:

users(1).firstName must beEqualTo(name2)

Then I get :
[WARNING] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException:
malformed Scala signature of User at 13798; reference type _5 of
<none> refers to nonexisting symbol.

If the line is changed to:

(users(1).firstName == name2) must beTrue

it compiles really nicely. Based on previous posts here it seams to be
that this is scala bug (I use 2.7.4|3)

Much bigger problem for me is that when trying to mock the User:

var userDbMock = mock[MetaUser]

causes the same issue:
[WARNING] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException:
malformed Scala signature of User at 13798; reference type _5 of
<none> refers to nonexisting symbol.

MetaUser is trait:

object User extends MetaUser {

  override def dbTableName = "users" // define the DB table name
  override def screenWrap = Full(<lift:surround with="default"
                               <lift:bind /></lift:surround>)
  // define the order fields will appear in forms and output
  override def fieldOrder = List(id, firstName, lastName, email,
  locale, timezone, password, textArea)

  // comment this line out to require email validations
  override def skipEmailValidation = true

trait MetaUser extends User with MetaMegaProtoUser[User]  {


Have anybody encountered similar problem when mocking or even found a
workaround for this case?

- Erik

PS. Weirdest thing is that I'm able to run the test cases in

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