
i just noticed this paragraph.

Perhaps some sort of pi-calculus based way of describing web app logic would
> allow for better reasoning.  I've noodled with doing some sort of stuff with
> pi-calculus in Lift.  I stopped the exploration because I was unable to
> find reasonable language constructs to express what I wanted economically
> and in a way that a Rails or Struts or Wicket developer could pick up
> reasonably easily.  But, I digress.

i would have to agree with this assessment. The pi-calculus is a formal
device. Just like the lambda calculus, it's a stripped down, minimal
expression of some intuitions about computation (in pi's case, it's
computation as interaction). That said, in the same way that lambda provides
excellent guidance -- a blueprint, if you will -- for the basic design of
languages like, Lisp, Scheme, OCaml, F#, Haskell and Scala, one might hope
that the pi-calculus could provide some guidance or a blueprint for a new
family of languages that is better suited to computing in a highly parallel,
highly distributed setting, such as the web applications powered up on
networks of racks and racks of multicore processors.

Some examples of languages following largely similar intuitions as expressed
in the pi-calculus include Erlang, Rosette and the actor "sublanguage" of
Scala. People have already given a pi-calculus semantics to "core" Erlang.
My PhD work was driven by my desire to give a similar account of Rosette. It
took forever for me to work out a reasonable account of reflection -- which
was a key feature of Rosette that i put to use in commercial,
mission-critical applications.

All that said, i would, and i think the whole community would also benefit
from your experience and intuitions regarding what sort of language features
have helped you and what didn't work out so well.

Best wishes,


L.G. Meredith
Managing Partner
Biosimilarity LLC
806 55th St NE
Seattle, WA 98105

+1 206.650.3740


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