[Lift] **BREAKING CHANGES** in lift-record

2010-03-04 Thread Ross Mellgren
As I mentioned before, I was planning to make some breaking changes to 
lift-record, and since I got no additional feedback, I've now pushed to master.

These changes make some cleanups to method naming and functionality in 
lift-record, and all code using 2.0-SNAPSHOT will need some changes:

 - Each MetaRecord implementation must define createRecord. To migrate, add 
this method to your MetaRecord:
 def createRecord: MyRecord = new MyRecord

 - If you previously used Record#fromJSON, you will need to use 
Record#setFieldsFromJSON instead.
 - If you previously used MetaRecord#createRecord(json: String), you will need 
to use MetaRecord#fromJSON instead.
 - If you previously used MetaRecord#fromJSON(inst, json), you will need to use 
MetaRecord#setFieldsFromJSON instead.

In addition, lift-couchdb has been updated to track these changes:

 - If you previously used JSONRecord#fromJValue, you will need to use 
JSONRecord#setFieldsFromJValue instead.
 - If you previously used JSONMetaRecord#fromJValue(rec, jvalue), you will need 
to use JSONMetaRecord#setFieldsFromJValue instead.
 - CouchMetaRecord#create and CouchMetaRecord#createFromJValue have been 
removed. Use MetaRecord#createRecord and JSONMetaRecord#fromJValue instead.

Let me know if anyone has any problems.


On Feb 27, 2010, at 11:53 AM, Ross Mellgren wrote:

 Hey all,
 So as a result of an infelicity in the way records are initialized that 
 tripped up Tim a week or two ago, I'm planning on doing some cleanup to 
 lift-record. It is a breaking change, and it was noted that it'd be good to 
 get opinions on this, so here we are!
 The original problem was that if you used new MyRecord then you'd get a 
 record that was basically functional but some of the extended metadata 
 (notably field.name) would not be initialized correctly. This is because the 
 correct way to create a record was MyRecordMeta.createRecord.
 I fixed it so that new MyRecord is equivalent to MyRecordMeta.createRecord, 
 but Marius pointed out there was more cleaning to do.
 Here are the changes:
 - I made the createRecord method on MetaRecord abstract, so that MyRecordMeta 
 must now implement it. If you are porting over old code, then just do:
 def createRecord = new MyRecord
   This change is so that record creation must be explicitly specified in case 
 it is different from new MyRecord (the default implementation)
 - MetaRecord.fromJSON(inst, json) has been renamed to setFieldsFromJSON(inst, 
 - a new method MetaRecord.setFieldsFromReq(inst, req) has been created to 
 parallel the new name of fromJSON
 - MetaRecord.createRecord(json) has been renamed to fromJSON(json)
 - Record.fromJSON has been renamed to setFieldsFromJSON
 - Record.setFieldsFromReq has been added -- they just call the meta methods 
 of the same name.
 These changes at the end make it so that fromSomething(something) are 
 consistently factory methods that create records from some source (JSON or 
 Req), and that setFieldsFromSomething(inst, something) is consistently there 
 for setting the fields from the source.
 Let me know what you think.

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[Lift] Breaking changes in lift-record 2.0-SNAPSHOT - Optional fields

2010-02-11 Thread Ross Mellgren
I just committed a change to lift-record in 2.0-SNAPSHOT that will possibly 
(probably?) break your build if you use it.

This change makes it possible to have any record field be optional -- that is, 
Box[MyType]. You use it like this:

object MyRecord extends Record[MyRecord] {
object myNormalField extends StringField(this, 100)
object myOptionalField extends StringField(this, 100) {
override def optional_? = true
override def defaultValueBox = Empty
override def defaultValue = nothin

val r: MyRecord

r.myNormalField.set(Hello) // as before the change

r.myNormalField.value == Hello // as before
r.myNormalField.valueBox == Full(Hello)
r.myOptionalField.valueBox == Empty
r.myOptionalField.value == nothin // because defaultValue was used to give 
back something

As part of this change, the semantics for field errors has changed somewhat -- 
hopefully, to be more consistent.

Previously if you tried to set a field and checkCanWrite_? returned false then 
an internal flag valueCouldNotBeSet on the field will be raised which makes 
that field generate a validation error when validate is called on the record. 
In addition, some fields (but not all) would raise the same flag and return 
Failure or Empty from setFromString or setFromAny upon being given an invalid 

With this change, all types of failure to set now result in the field value 
becoming a Failure. setFromAny, setFromString, and setBox all return that 
Failure, while set will return defaultValue (due to its return type.)

validators and set filters have had their types changed to Boxed equivalents.

And finally, I made consistent the setFromAny methods of all the built-in field 
types so that they all follow the same contract. For setFromAny it's 
essentially accept one of MyType, Box[MyType], Option[MyType], or List[MyType] 
as well as null, with a default to convert an unknown input to string and use 
setFromString. For setFromString, it is as before, except if the field is 
optional_? and the empty string is passed in, that's treated as Empty.

As I'll mention in another message, I also pushed lift-couchdb to master. I ran 
the unit tests that I wrote for that, but that doesn't give me full confidence 
that all the fields are entirely bug free. Similarly I did not test the form 
generation. If anybody runs into any issues please let me know and I'll fix it 
as soon as I can. And of course if it causes too much breakage we can revert it 
back out.


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[Lift] **BREAKING CHANGES**: Use mvn archetype:generate to generate 1.1-SNAPSHOT archetypes

2009-12-01 Thread Indrajit Raychaudhuri

Following the recent refactoring that the Lift archetypes went though,
we have moved forward to the new archetype metadata format [1] for all
the archetypes.

So far, the JPA related archetypes were using the new metadata format
while the others (esp. lift-archetype-blank and lift-archetype-basic)
were still on the old format. Moving to the new metadata format helps
us keep things consistent, comply with Maven's recommendation and open
the archetypes up for additional future enhancements.

From now on, the recommended Maven goal to generate projects from
archetype is to use archetype:generate [2]. The currently deprecated
Maven goal archetype:create [3] would not work to give expected
result and thus is not recommended anymore.

Therefore, to generate project from the archetypes in the master you
would use a command of the form:

mvn archetype:generate \
  -DarchetypeRepository=http://scala-tools.org/repo-snapshots \
  -DremoteRepositories=http://scala-tools.org/repo-snapshots \
  -DarchetypeGroupId=net.liftweb \
  -DarchetypeArtifactId=lift-archetype-blank \
  -DarchetypeVersion=1.1-SNAPSHOT \
  -DgroupId=com.mypackage \
  -DartifactId=myproject \

Currently, the possible archetypeArtifactId are:
  - lift-archetype-blank
  - lift-archetype-basic
  - lift-archetype-jpa-blank-single
  - lift-archetype-jpa-blank
  - lift-archetype-jpa-basic

If you create project interactively (default behavior), -DgroupId, -
DartifactId, -Dversion are optional. Maven would prompt for these
values (and some more) interactively.

On the other hand, if you are using a batch/shell script to generate
project non-interactively, you would need to add at least -DgroupId, -
DartifactId and additionally set -DinteractiveMode=false.

Cheers, Indrajit

[2] http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-archetype-plugin/generate-mojo.html
[3] http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-archetype-plugin/create-mojo.html


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[Lift] *** BREAKING CHANGES *** to Loc LocParam

2009-11-16 Thread Kris Nuttycombe

Hi, all,

I have committed a number of enhancements to Loc  LocParam which
involves a number of breaking changes. The changes and their rationale
is listed below. Unless you have created your own subclasses of Loc or
LocParam, these changes should not have any repercussions for you. If
the effect of any of these changes on your particular codebase are
excessively disruptive, please contact me and I will work with you to
resolve the issue.

Breaking Changes:

1) LocParam

LocParam has been made a sealed trait to facilitate pattern matching
within the Lift codebase and has had a contravariant type parameter
added to its type to facilitate typesafe interactions with Loc[T]. The
new trait is hence LocParam[-T]. As LocParam is now a sealed trait, I
have added an extension point for user-specified LocParam subtypes as
UserLocParam[-T] extends LocParam[T]. Since the new type parameter is
contravariant, LocParam subclasses that are applicable for any Loc[T]
have the type LocParam[Any], and a type alias AnyLocParam has been
added for this type.

The Loc.checkProtected method now enforces type consistency between
the evaluated Link[T] and the list of LocParam[T] which are used to
evaluate whether the link is accessible given the specified

2) Renames

Previously, the Param suffix was used for two unrelated purposes
within Loc: first, to refer to the type parameter of the Loc, and
secondly for the LocParam configuration. This overloading made the
code and the API somewhat difficult to read, so the first usage has
been removed resulting in the following renames:

ParamType = T
NullLocParams = //removed, Unit is sufficient!
Loc.defaultParams = Loc.defaultValue
Loc.forceParam = Loc.overrideValue
Loc.foundParam = Loc.requestValue
Loc.additionalKidParams = Loc.childValues

After this change, all instances of the param name within Loc should
refer to something having to do with LocParam instances.

Non-Breaking Additions:

case class IfValue[T](test: Box[T] = Boolean, failMsg: FailMsg)
extends LocParam[T]
case class UnlessValue[T](test: Box[T] = Boolean, failMsg: FailMsg)
extends LocParam[T]
case class TestValueAccess[T](func: Box[T] = Box[LiftResponse])
extends LocParam[T]

If you are using a non-Unit typed Loc, you can use these LocParam
instances to enforce access rules at the value level.

case class ValueTemplate[T](template: Box[T] = NodeSeq) extends
LocParam[T] //per-value template selection

DataLoc[T] subclass of Loc was added to facilitate the use of the new
more typeful LocParam subtypes.

A few changes to Link:

Since Link.createLink creates a Box[Text] (and not a clickable link) a
couple of methods were added to create the intermediate, unboxed
values in order that subclasses can more easily manipulate the resulting path:

Link.pathList(value: T): List[String] // added to facilitate creation
of value-aware paths by subclasses.
Link.createPath(value: T): String //creates the String representation
of the path that is subsequently turned into XML and boxed by

Again, please let me know if any of these changes cause you headaches!
My hope is that much of the modified functionality has not been used
by very many people yet and that as a result it's a good time to make
these changes before typeful Locs get too widely used to make breaking



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[Lift] Breaking changes in CometActor code vs. continuing instabilities in Scala Actors

2009-09-16 Thread David Pollak
The Scala Actor issue has raised its head again.

From November 2008 - June 2009, I did an epic battle with Scala actors and
their memory retention issues.

I finally wrote a Lift Actor library that made all the Scala Actor-related
issues go away for the short-lived Actors that Lift uses as listeners for
comet long-polling.

It seems that the Actor issue is not gone.  I'm not sure it will be gone in
Scala 2.8.

I can make a change in Lift to move to Lift Actors in CometActor code.  It
means that if you're using Scala Actors beyond !, !! and !? methods, you
will have to change your code, otherwise it will just be a recompile.

What do people think?



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2009-08-04 Thread Marius


I spent a few days decoupling Lift from JEE web container
dependencies: javax.servlet._ The code is currently in wip-marius-http-

I still need to nail down a few things but the idea is:

1. Lift will work with its own traits that abstracts HTTP request,
response, HTTP sessions etc.
2. By default there will be the servlet implementation and it'll work
as currently.
3. Certain function names will slightly change.
4. If your application explicitly wants to use HttpServletRequest
obtained from S some explicit casts would be needed. Generally Lift
application should probably not explicitly use javax.servlet._

I will post the details of the changes when I'll merge it to master
(hopefully this week).

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[Lift] *breaking changes* Gravatar widget

2008-11-01 Thread Tim Perrett

Hey guys,

I've updated the Gravatar widget that was origionally created by Ty.
The implementation now is actually very different. No longer is the
Gravatar class an instansiable class, its an object with overloaded
apply methods. So, now, rather than:

val g = new Gravatar()

You need to do:


Or, if you want an image with a set size, you do:

Gravatar([EMAIL PROTECTED], 50)

Or, if you want to produce one thats for a set rating (other than the
default G) do:

Gravatar([EMAIL PROTECTED], 50, R)

Hope thats all ok for everyone

Cheers, Tim
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