Hi all,

Hope your 2019 is off to a fantastic start. I'm really excited for
Lightning in 2019.

We are currently reviving a lite client project in bitcoin-s (
https://github.com/bitcoin-s/bitcoin-s-core/pull/280). The goal is to have
a modern replacement for bitcoinj that also can be used for L2 applications
like lightning. We also are planning on supporting multiple coins, hsms

The current plan is to implement traditional SPV, and then implement
neutrino when development is picking back up on that in bitcoin core. If
that takes too long, we will consider implementing neutrino against btcd.

What I wanted to ask of the mailing list is to give us "things to consider"
when developing this lite client from a usability perspective for lightning
devs. How can we make your lives easier?

One thing that seems logical is to adhere to the bitcoin core api when
possible, this means you can use bitcoin-s as a drop in lite client
replacement for bitcoin core.


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