We're pleased to announce the 0.10.0 release of c-lightning, named by @jsarenik.


This is a major release, consolidating a number of features, fixes and
experimental extensions.

Highlights for Users

* pay has been refined and much improved across various less-common scenarios.
* listpeers shows the current feerate and unilateral close fee.
* listforwards can now filter by channel status, and in our out channel.
* fundpsbt and utxopsbt have a new excess_as_change parameter if you
  don't want to add it yourself.
* connect returns the address we actually connected to (and direction
  tells you if they actually connected to us instead).
* fundchannel_complete takes a PSBT, removing a common cause of tragic
  opening failures: txprepare and withdraw now provide a PSBT for convenience 
* In regtest mode, we don't care that bitcoind doesn't give any fee
  estimates, but use the minimum.

Highlights for the Network

* We now send warning messages if an error condition is possibly
  recoverable, rather than closing the channel and sending error.
* We now implement sync_complete for gossip_range queries as per latest
  spec, with backwards compatibility for older nodes.
* `experimental-dual-fund` config option enables the draft dual funding
  option for compatible nodes, which includes RBF upgrades for opening

Highlights for Developers

* All hooks are now registerable by multiple plugins at once.
* `experimental-shutdown-wrong-funding` allows remote nodes to close
  incorrectly opened channels using the new wrong_funding option to

More details can be found in the changelog.

Thanks to everyone for their contributions and bug reports; please keep them 

Since 0.9.3, we've had 339 commits from 14 different authors over 69 days.

A special thanks goes to the 3 first time contributors:

    Matthias Debernardini
    Luke Childs
    Alexey Zagarin

Rusty, Lisa, Christian, ZmnSCPxj
Lightning-dev mailing list

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