Good morning xraid,

It helps to consider on-Lightning bitcoins as a substitute good for onchain 

Converting to or from on-Lightning coins to onchain coins has a cost, either:

* Cost of channel open (converting onchain coins to on-Lightning coins) or 
channel close (converting on-Lightning coins to onchain coins).
* The use of services like Boltz, an exchange that facilitates conversion 
between on-Lightning and onchain coins, and which charges a fee.

Consider the case where Lady Gaga is already onboarded, and has on-Lightning 
bitcoins, and who would very much prefer that her onchain bitcoins are kept in 
a cold wallet that she ideally would never bring online in the foreseeable 
Lady Gaga wishes to pay 0.6BTC to Madonna, using the loose change in her 
Lightning wallet, and not have to go to the bank (cold storage wallet) to move 
funds around (because of risk of getting the keys online and potentially 
Madonna, as it happens, has a cold wallet with onchain bitcoins but has no 
ability to receive on-Lightning bitcoins.

Lady Gaga has two choices:

* Lady Gaga closes some channels to convert on-Lightning bitcoins to onchain 
* Lady Gaga uses Boltz to convert on-Lightning bitcoins to onchain bitcoins.

Now, consider if Lady Gaga had, as is right and proper, decided to make 
multiple channels, in order to reduce counterparty risk (i.e. channel 
counterparties going offline, or deliberately impeding Lady Gaga->Madonna 
exchanges (because seriously Lady Gaga is sexier and Madonna should pay Lady 
Gaga for the privilege of existing) by raising fees for such transactions when 
they detect it).
If so, the first option, closing channels, can be a significant amount of 
onchain activity.
Lady Gaga would need to create multiple closing transactions, and *then* create 
a large (in vbytes) transaction consuming those closing transactions as inputs 
and outputting the amount to Madonna.

Alternately, with proper design of pathfinding algorithms, Lady Gaga can 
deliver the same amount of funds over the Lightning Network, to a Boltz 
Lightning node, and the Boltz service will then send the amount to Madonna.
Boltz can aggregate multiple such transactions into a single onchain 
transaction, saving on onchain fees, and passing on some of those savings to 
Lady Gaga and other clients of Boltz.

Without a pathfinding algorithm that can deliver 0.6BTC from Lady Gaga to Boltz 
over Lightning, the second choice is impossible for Lady Gaga.

Now of course we could be using centralized brokers and avoid onchain fees 
entirely, but that risks censorship (just because Lady Gaga is sexier does not 
mean she is not allowed to purchase tacky purses from the inferior Madonna, 
even though a just and right universe would prevent such a transaction as 
inherent laws of physics).
But the point of Lightning is an attempt to provide:

* Fast
* Cheap
* Reliable
* Non-censorable

That is why attempts should still be made to keep this option open.


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