Re: [Lightning-dev] A Proposal for Adding Bandwidth Metered Payment to Onion Messages

2022-02-23 Thread Rusty Russell
Olaoluwa Osuntokun  writes:
> Hi y'all,
> (TL;DR: a way to nodes to get paid to forward onion messages by adding an
> upfront session creation phase that uses AMP tender a messaging session to a
> receiver, with nodes being paid upfront for purchase of forwarding
> bandwidth, and a session identifier being transmitted alongside onion
> messages to identify paid sessions)

AMP seems to be a Lightning Labs proprietary extension.  You mean
keysend, which at least has a draft spec?

> Onion messaging has been proposed as a way to do things like fetch invoices
> directly from a potential receiver _directly_ over the existing LN. The
> current proposal (packaged under the BOLT 12 umbrella) uses a new message
> (`onion_message`) that inherits the design of the existing Sphinx-based
> onion blob included in htlc_add messages as a way to propagate arbitrary
> messages across the network. Blinded paths which are effectively an unrolled
> Sphinx SURB (single use reply block), are used to support reply messages in
> a more private manner. Compared to SURBs, blinded paths are more flexible as
> they don't lock in things like fees or CLTV values.
> A direct outcome of widespread adoption of the proposal is that the scope of
> LN is expanded beyond "just" a decentralized p2p payment system, with the

Sure, let's keep encouraging people to use HTLCs for free to send data?
I can certainly implement that if you prefer!

>  1. As there's no explicit session creation/acceptance, a node can be
>  spammed with unsolicited messages with no way to deny unwanted messages nor
>  explicitly allow messages from certain senders.
>  2. Nodes that forward these messages (up to 32 KB per message) receive no
>  compensation for the network bandwidth their expend, effectively shuffling
>  around messages for free.
>  3. Rate limiting isn't concretely addressed, which may result in
>  heterogeneous rate limiting policies enforced around the network, which can
>  degrade the developer/user experience (why are my packets being randomly
>  dropped?).

Sure, this is a fun one!  I can post separately on ratelimiting; I
suggest naively limiting to 10/sec for peers with channels, and 1/sec
for peers without for now.

(In practice, spamming with HTLCs is infinitely more satisfying...)

> In this email I propose a way to address the issues mentioned above by
> adding explicit onion messaging session creation as well as a way for nodes
> to be (optionally) paid for any onion messages they forward. In short, an
> explicit session creation phase is introduced, with the receiver being able
> to accept/deny the session. If the session is accepted, then all nodes that
> comprise the session route are compensated for allotting a certain amount of
> bandwidth to the session (which is ephemeral by nature).

It's an interesting layer on top (esp if you want to stream movies), but
I never proposed this because it seems to add a source-identifying
session id, which is a huge privacy step backwards.

You really *do not want* to use this for independent transmissions.

I flirted with using blinded tokens, but it gets complex fast; ideas

> ## Node Announcement TLV Extension
> In order to allow nodes to signal that they want to be paid to forward onion
> messages and also specify their pricing, we add two new TLV to the node_ann
> message:
>   * type: 1 (`sats_per_byte`)
>* data:
>   * [`uint64`:`forwarding_rate`]
>   * type: 2 (`sats_per_block`)
>* data:
>   * [`uint64`:`per_block_rate`]

You mean:

   * type: 1 (`sats_per_byte`)
   * data:
   * [`tu64`:`forwarding_rate`]
   * type: 3 (`sats_per_block`)
   * data:
   * [`tu64`:`per_block_rate`]

1. Don't use an even TLV field.
2. Might as well use truncated u64.

> The `sats_per_byte` field allows nodes to price their bandwidth, ensuring
> that they get paid for each chunk of allocated bandwidth. As sessions have a
> fixed time frame and nodes need to store additional data within that time
> frame, the `sats_per_block` allows nodes to price this cost, as they'll hold
> onto the session identifier information until the specified block height
> (detailed below).
> As onion messages will _typically_ be fixed sized we may want to use
> coursers
> metering here instead of bytes, possibly paying for 1.3KB or 32 KB chunks
> instead.

I think it's a premature optimization?  Make standard duration 2016
blocks; then they can request multiples if they want?  Reduces
node_announcement size.

> With the above nodes are able to express that they're willing to forward
> messages for sats, and how much they charge per byte as well as per block.
> Next we add a new TLV in the _existing_ HTLC onion blob that allows a
> sending node to tender paid onion message session creation. A sketch of this
> type would look something like:
>   * type: 14 (`onion_session_id`)
> * data:
>   * [`32*byte`:`session_id`]

I'd be tempted to use 16 bytes?  Collisions here are not really a thing

[Lightning-dev] A Proposal for Adding Bandwidth Metered Payment to Onion Messages

2022-02-23 Thread Olaoluwa Osuntokun
Hi y'all,

(TL;DR: a way to nodes to get paid to forward onion messages by adding an
upfront session creation phase that uses AMP tender a messaging session to a
receiver, with nodes being paid upfront for purchase of forwarding
bandwidth, and a session identifier being transmitted alongside onion
messages to identify paid sessions)

Onion messaging has been proposed as a way to do things like fetch invoices
directly from a potential receiver _directly_ over the existing LN. The
current proposal (packaged under the BOLT 12 umbrella) uses a new message
(`onion_message`) that inherits the design of the existing Sphinx-based
onion blob included in htlc_add messages as a way to propagate arbitrary
messages across the network. Blinded paths which are effectively an unrolled
Sphinx SURB (single use reply block), are used to support reply messages in
a more private manner. Compared to SURBs, blinded paths are more flexible as
they don't lock in things like fees or CLTV values.

A direct outcome of widespread adoption of the proposal is that the scope of
LN is expanded beyond "just" a decentralized p2p payment system, with the
protocol evolving to also support pseudonymous messaging and arbitrary data
transfer across the network. This expanded network (payments + arbitrary
data transfer) enables use cases like streaming video transfer, network
tunneled VPNs, large file download, popcorn time, etc -- . Depending on
one's view, the existence of such a combined protocol/network may either
elicit feelings of dread (can we really do _both_ payments _and_ data
properly in the same network?) or excitement (I finally have a censorship
resistant way to watch unboxing videos of all my favorite gadgets!).

Putting aside the discussion w.r.t if such an expanded network is desirable
and also if the combined functionality fundamentally _needs_ to exist in the
confines of a single protocol stack (eg: if LN impls packaged tor clients
would that be enough?), IMO onion messaging as currently proposed has
a few issues:

 1. As there's no explicit session creation/acceptance, a node can be
 spammed with unsolicited messages with no way to deny unwanted messages nor
 explicitly allow messages from certain senders.

 2. Nodes that forward these messages (up to 32 KB per message) receive no
 compensation for the network bandwidth their expend, effectively shuffling
 around messages for free.

 3. Rate limiting isn't concretely addressed, which may result in
 heterogeneous rate limiting policies enforced around the network, which can
 degrade the developer/user experience (why are my packets being randomly

In this email I propose a way to address the issues mentioned above by
adding explicit onion messaging session creation as well as a way for nodes
to be (optionally) paid for any onion messages they forward. In short, an
explicit session creation phase is introduced, with the receiver being able
to accept/deny the session. If the session is accepted, then all nodes that
comprise the session route are compensated for allotting a certain amount of
bandwidth to the session (which is ephemeral by nature).

# High-Level Overview

Inspired by HORNETs two-phase session creation (first phase makes the
circuit, send allows data transfers), I propose we break up onion messaging
session creation into two phases. In the first phase a sender purchases
_forwarding bandwidth_ from a series of intermediate nodes and also requests
creation of a messaging session to the receiver in a single _atomic_ step.
In the second phase, assuming the session creation was successful, the
sender is able to use the purchased forwarding bandwidth to send messages to
the receiver. The session stays open until either it expires, or the
receiver runs out of cumulative forwarding bandwidth and needs to repeat the
first step.

As we'll see shortly, the created onion messaging sessions aren't tightly
coupled to the nodes that are a part of the initial session creation.
Instead session creation creates a sort of overlay network from the PoV of
the sender that can be used to transmit messages. The same route doesn't
need to be used by subsequent onion message transmissions as the sending
node may already have existing bandwidth sessions it can put together to
send a new/existing message.

One trade-off of the current approach is that a small amount of per-session
state is added to nodes that want to be paid to forward onion messages. The
current onion messaging proposal takes care to _not_ introduce any extra
state to nodes in an onion messaging path: they just decrypt/unblinded and
forward to the next hop. This proposal as it stands adds just 40-bytes-ish
of storage overhead per session (which are ephemeral so this state can be
forgotten over time). In practice, as nodes are being paid to forward, they
can ensure their pricing (more on that later) properly compensates then for
this added storage per session.

# AMP + Onion Messaging == Paid Onion Messaging
