Re: [Lightning-dev] [bitcoin-dev] On the scalability issues of onboarding millions of LN mobile clients

2020-05-25 Thread Christopher Allen
On Thu, May 14, 2020 at 8:30 AM Keagan McClelland via bitcoin-dev <> wrote:

> > It should be therefore a top priority to make the UX of connecting my
> mobile LN client to my home full node extremely easy, so that centralised
> services can't improve much on that step. Especially if I already run a
> full node.

There already is an emerging approach for this, called QuickConnect

It is currently offered by BitcoinStandup (both Mac and Linux),
BTCPayServer, Nodl, MyNode, RaspiBlitz full node tools and hardware, and is
used currently by FullyNoded, FullyNoded2, and a couple of other
experimental apps to allow secure connection via Tor v3 from a remote to
your own personal full node.

We know that QuickConnect needs another major iteration and welcome
contributions to requirements and/or proposals for the next version.

We invite you to share your thoughts here.

— Christopher Allen
Lightning-dev mailing list

Re: [Lightning-dev] [bitcoin-dev] On the scalability issues of onboarding millions of LN mobile clients

2020-05-25 Thread John Newbery
There doesn't seem to be anything in the original email that's specific to
BIP 157. It's a restatement of the arguments against light clients:

- light clients are a burden on the full nodes that serve them
- if light clients become more popular, there won't be enough full nodes to
serve them
- people might build products that depend on altruistic nodes serving data,
which is unsustainable
- maybe at some point in the future, light clients will need to pay for

The choice isn't between people using light clients or not. People already
use light clients. The choice between whether we offer them a light client
technology that is better or worse for privacy and scalability.

The arguments for why BIP 157 is better than the existing light client
technologies are available elsewhere, but to summarize:

- they're unique for a block, which means they can easily be cached.
Serving a filter requires no computation, just i/o (or memory access for
cached filter/header data) and bandwidth. There are plenty of other
services that a full node offers that use i/o and bandwidth, such as
serving blocks.
- unique-for-block means clients can download from multiple sources
- the linked-headers/filters model allows hybrid approaches, where headers
checkpoints can be fetched from trusted/signed nodes, with intermediate
headers and filters fetched from untrusted sources
- less possibilities to DoS/waste resources on the serving node
- better for privacy

> The intention, as I understood it, of putting BIP157 directly into
bitcoind was to essentially force all `bitcoind` users to possibly service
BIP157 clients

Please. No-one is forcing anyone to do anything. To serve filters, a node
user needs to download the latest version, set `-blockfilterindex=basic` to
build the compact filters index, and set `-peercfilters` to serve them over
P2P. This is an optional, off-by-default feature.


On Tue, May 5, 2020 at 9:50 AM ZmnSCPxj via bitcoin-dev <> wrote:

> Good morning ariard and luke-jr
> > > Trust-minimization of Bitcoin security model has always relied first
> and
> > > above on running a full-node. This current paradigm may be shifted by
> LN
> > > where fast, affordable, confidential, censorship-resistant payment
> services
> > > may attract a lot of adoption without users running a full-node.
> >
> > No, it cannot be shifted. This would compromise Bitcoin itself, which for
> > security depends on the assumption that a supermajority of the economy is
> > verifying their incoming transactions using their own full node.
> >
> > The past few years has seen severe regressions in this area, to the point
> > where Bitcoin's future seems quite bleak. Without serious improvements
> to the
> > full node ratio, Bitcoin is likely to fail.
> >
> > Therefore, all efforts to improve the "full node-less" experience are
> harmful,
> > and should be actively avoided. BIP 157 improves privacy of fn-less
> usage,
> > while providing no real benefits to full node users (compared to more
> > efficient protocols like Stratum/Electrum).
> >
> > For this reason, myself and a few others oppose merging support for BIP
> 157 in
> > Core.
> BIP 157 can be implemented as a separate daemon that processes the blocks
> downloaded by an attached `bitcoind`, i.e. what Wasabi does.
> The intention, as I understood it, of putting BIP157 directly into
> bitcoind was to essentially force all `bitcoind` users to possibly service
> BIP157 clients, in the hope that a BIP157 client can contact any arbitrary
> fullnode to get BIP157 service.
> This is supposed to improve to the situation relative to e.g. Electrum,
> where there are far fewer Electrum servers than fullnodes.
> Of course, as ariard computes, deploying BIP157 could lead to an effective
> DDoS on the fullnode network if a large number of BIP157 clients arise.
> Though maybe this will not occur very fast?  We hope?
> It seems to me that the thing that *could* be done would be to have
> watchtowers provide light-client services, since that seems to be the major
> business model of watchtowers, as suggested by ariard as well.
> This is still less than ideal, but maybe is better than nothing.
> Regards,
> ZmnSCPxj
> ___
> bitcoin-dev mailing list
Lightning-dev mailing list

Re: [Lightning-dev] [bitcoin-dev] On the scalability issues of onboarding millions of LN mobile clients

2020-05-25 Thread Christopher Allen
On Fri, May 8, 2020 at 2:00 PM Keagan McClelland via bitcoin-dev <> wrote:

> Perhaps I wasn't explicit in my previous note but what I mean is that
> there seems to be a demand for something *in between* a peer interface,
> and an owner interface. I have little opinion as to whether this belongs in
> core or not, I think there are much more experienced folks who can weight
> in on that, but without something like this, you cannot limit your exposure
> for serving something like bip157 filters without removing your own ability
> to make use of some of those same services.

Our FullyNoded2 multisig wallet on iOS & Mac, communicates with your own
personal node over RPC, securing the connection using Tor over a hidden
onion service and two-way client authentication using a v3 Tor
Authentication key:

It many ways the app (and its predecessor FullyNoded1) is an interface
between a personal full node and a user.

However, we do wish that the full RPC functionality was not exposed in
bitcoin-core. I’d love to see a cryptographic capability mechanism such
that the remote wallet could only m ask the node functions that it needs,
and allow escalation for other rarer services it needs with addition

This capability mechanism feature set should go both ways, to a minimum
subset needed for being a watch-only transaction verification tool, all the
way to things RPC can’t do like deleting a wallet and changing bitcoin.conf
parameters and rebooting, without requiring full ssh access to the server
running the node.

If there are people interested in coordinating some proposals on how to
defining different sets of wallet functionality, Blockchain Commons would
be interested in hosting that collaboration. This could start as just being
a transparent shim between bitcoin-core & remote RPC, but later could
inform proposals for the future of the core wallet functionality as it gets

— Christopher Allen
Lightning-dev mailing list

Re: [Lightning-dev] [bitcoin-dev] On the scalability issues of onboarding millions of LN mobile clients

2020-05-16 Thread Antoine Riard
> * At the same time, it retains your-keys-your-coins noncustodiality,
because every update of a Lightning channel requires your keys to sign off
on it.

Yes I agree, I can foresee an easier step where managing low-value channel
and get your familiar with smooth key management maybe a first step before
running a full-node and getting a more full-fledged key management solution.

> It may even be possible, that the Lightning future with massive SPV might
end up with more economic weight in SPV nodes, than in the world without
Lightning and dependent on centralized custodial services to scale.

Even evaluating economic weight in Lightning is hard, both parties have
their own chain view, and it's likely if you assume a hub-and-spoke
topology, leaf nodes are going to be SPV and internal nodes full-nodes ?

> Money makes the world go round, so such backup servers that are
publicly-facing rather than privately-owned should be somehow incentivized
to do so, or else they would not exist in the first place.

I was thinking about the current workflow, Alice downloads her New Shiny
LN-wallet, she is asked to backup the seed, she is asked to pick-up
backup(s) nodes among her friends, relatives or business partners and is
NOT provided any automatic hint and register backup nodes addresses, maybe
even do out-of-band key exchange with this full-node operator. Therefore
you may avoid centralization by having not such publicly-facing servers. Of
course, Alice can still scrawl the web to and be lured to pickup malicious
public servers but if she is severely notified to not do so that may be

So it would be a combination of UX+user education+fallback security
mechanism to avoid economy hijack. That maybe a better solution rather than
PoW-only SPV. We have an open network so you can't prevent someone to run
such type of client but at least if they have to do so you can provide them
with a better option ?


Le jeu. 14 mai 2020 à 00:02, ZmnSCPxj  a écrit :

> Good morning Antoine,
> > While approaching this question, I think you should consider economic
> weight of nodes in evaluating miner consensus-hijack success. Even if you
> expect a disproportionate ratio of full-nodes-vs-SPV, they may not have the
> same  economic weight at all, therefore even if miners are able to lure a
> majority of SPV clients they may not be able to stir economic nodes. SPV
> clients users will now have an incentive to cancel their hijacked history
> to stay on the most economic meaningful chain. And it's already assumed,
> that if you run a bitcoin business or LN routing node, you do want to run
> your own full-node.
> One hope I have for Lightning is that it will replace centralized
> custodial services, because:
> * Lightning gains some of the scalability advantage of centralized
> custodial services, because you can now transfer to any Lightning client
> without touching the blockchain, for much reduced transfer fees.
> * At the same time, it retains your-keys-your-coins noncustodiality,
> because every update of a Lightning channel requires your keys to sign off
> on it.
> If most Lightning clients are SPV, then if we compare these two worlds:
> * There are a few highly-important centralized custodial services with
> significant economic weight running fullnodes (i.e. now).
> * There are no highly-important centralized custodial services, and most
> everyone uses Lightning, but with SPV (i.e. a Lightning future).
> Then the distribution of economic weight would be different between these
> two worlds.
> It may even be possible, that the Lightning future with massive SPV might
> end up with more economic weight in SPV nodes, than in the world without
> Lightning and dependent on centralized custodial services to scale.
> It is also entirely possible that custodial services for Lightning will
> arise anyway and my hope is already dashed, come on universe, work harder
> will you, would you really disappoint some randomly-generated Internet
> person like that.
> >
> > I agree it may be hard to evaluate economic-weight-to-chain-backend
> segments, specially with offchain you disentangle an onchain output value
> from its real payment traffic. To strengthen SPV, you may implement forks
> detection and fallback to some backup node(s) which would serve as an
> authoritative source to arbiter between branches. Such backup node(s) must
> be picked up manually at client initialization, before any risk of conflict
> to avoid Reddit-style of hijack during contentious period or other massive
> social engineering. You don't want autopilot-style of recommendations for
> picking up a backup nodes and avoid cenralization of backups, but somehow a
> uniform distribution. A backup node may be a private one, it won't serve
> you any data beyond headers, and therefore you preserve public nodes
> bandwidth, which IMO is the real bottleneck. I concede it won't work well
> if you have a ratio of 1000-SPV for 1-full-node and 

Re: [Lightning-dev] [bitcoin-dev] On the scalability issues of onboarding millions of LN mobile clients

2020-05-14 Thread William Casarin

Orfeas Stefanos Thyfronitis Litos  writes:
> ZmnSCPxj via Lightning-dev  writes:
>> If everyone runs such a privately-owned server, on the other hand, this
>> is not so different from having a Lightning node you run at your home
>> that has a fullnode as well and which you access via a remote control
>> mobile device, and it is the inconvenience of having such a server at
>> your home that prevents this in the first place.
> Private full nodes serving headers to a handful of weak devices have
> been mentioned many times as a good solution against all sorts of
> problems in a future full of LN + SPV nodes. I agree. It should be
> therefore a top priority to make the UX of connecting my mobile LN
> client to my home full node extremely easy, so that centralised
> services can't improve much on that step. Especially if I already run
> a full node.
> Could someone briefly describe how this UX looks currently? And if
> it's not as seamless as it could, what blockers are there?

The UX for this doesn't have to be complicated. All you need is a node
provider like FullyNoded, Casa, etc. My setup at home is a desktop with:

  - bitcoind
  - clightning
  - zerotier (or tailscale) (private vpn for connecting to your node from 
  - sparkwallet (clightning webui) bound to a zerotier interface

So as long as you have a node that runs these bits of software, perhaps
assumeutxo to speed up IBD, and a QR-code automagic setup, then UX
should be pretty smooth. You would still need to deal with lightning
backups and liquidity issues, but we just need to do more work on the
software side to make that experience nicer.


Lightning-dev mailing list

Re: [Lightning-dev] [bitcoin-dev] On the scalability issues of onboarding millions of LN mobile clients

2020-05-14 Thread Keagan McClelland
> It should be therefore a top priority to make the UX of connecting my
mobile LN client to my home full node extremely easy, so that centralised
services can't improve much on that step. Especially if I already run a
full node.

For what it's worth, this is a main research area for us at Start9 Labs.

> Could someone briefly describe how this UX looks currently? And if it's
not as seamless as it could, what blockers are there?

At the root of all of these problems is that a "private server" is
considered inconvenient. There is no fundamental reason this has to be the
case. The main UX challenges we've found are around installation and
configuration of server applications, not to mention, that users don't have
an existing mental model for how to imagine applications. Most people who
do not work on computers for a living have heard of servers but their
firsthand experience with software is "apps". The fact that there is a
component of their applications that runs remotely on computers they don't

So in short:
1. Educating on the distinction between client and server apps is an open
question whose burden will likely fall on the entire industry if we want to
get this right and not have an exchange takeover of Bitcoin.
2. Apps that either require "zero configuration" or have very easy in-app
walkthroughs of the bare essentials of configuration
3. GUI style installs of server applications familiar to those who have
installed desktop or mobile software.

I'm sure there are more things we'll learn as we grow but these are the top
three observations we've made and this is our primary area of work.

> Private full nodes serving headers to a handful of weak devices have been
mentioned many times as a good solution against all sorts of problems in a
future full of LN + SPV nodes. I agree.

This is the main thesis I've been going on for a while. Once your full node
has synced the whole blockchain and the total set of headers is known, you
don't actually even need to carry 100% of the block data, as you can
re-fetch a needed block from elsewhere and verify the block data matches
the header you've already checked for consensus. From there the header
chain can serve as base truth for a whole set of L2+ services or L1 SPV
wallets. Ideally, in a model like this, more expensive peer services would
be authenticated so that your other applications could get the data they
need without exposing your full node to the extra costs of those who are
not running their own nodes. Typically we've used Core's RPC API for this
but as others have mentioned upthread JSON is a wasteful format and there
are good reasons that you'd want Lightning to be able to request peer
services without necessarily having ownership control over the node.

The other thing I wanted to note is the fact that the issue isn't that
Lightning does SPV, the issue is around whether or not the node it is
tethered to is *actually* trusted since SPV necessarily trusts some
dimensions of the information supplied to it. Doing SPV against a full node
you own is no more dangerous than indexing watch only addresses in Core and
then asking for wallet/utxo information over RPC.


On Thu, May 14, 2020 at 12:50 AM Orfeas Stefanos Thyfronitis Litos <> wrote:

> >If everyone runs such a privately-owned server, on the other hand, this
> >is not so different from having a Lightning node you run at your home
> >that has a fullnode as well and which you access via a remote control
> >mobile device, and it is the inconvenience of having such a server at
> >your home that prevents this in the first place.
> Private full nodes serving headers to a handful of weak devices have been
> mentioned many times as a good solution against all sorts of problems in a
> future full of LN + SPV nodes. I agree. It should be therefore a top
> priority to make the UX of connecting my mobile LN client to my home full
> node extremely easy, so that centralised services can't improve much on
> that step. Especially if I already run a full node.
> Could someone briefly describe how this UX looks currently? And if it's
> not as seamless as it could, what blockers are there?
> Best,
> Orfeas
> --
> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
> Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
> ___
> Lightning-dev mailing list
Lightning-dev mailing list

Re: [Lightning-dev] [bitcoin-dev] On the scalability issues of onboarding millions of LN mobile clients

2020-05-14 Thread Orfeas Stefanos Thyfronitis Litos

>If everyone runs such a privately-owned server, on the other hand, this
>is not so different from having a Lightning node you run at your home
>that has a fullnode as well and which you access via a remote control
>mobile device, and it is the inconvenience of having such a server at
>your home that prevents this in the first place.

Private full nodes serving headers to a handful of weak devices have been 
mentioned many times as a good solution against all sorts of problems in a 
future full of LN + SPV nodes. I agree. It should be therefore a top priority 
to make the UX of connecting my mobile LN client to my home full node extremely 
easy, so that centralised services can't improve much on that step. Especially 
if I already run a full node.

Could someone briefly describe how this UX looks currently? And if it's not as 
seamless as it could, what blockers are there?


The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Lightning-dev mailing list

Re: [Lightning-dev] [bitcoin-dev] On the scalability issues of onboarding millions of LN mobile clients

2020-05-13 Thread ZmnSCPxj via Lightning-dev
Good morning Antoine,

> While approaching this question, I think you should consider economic weight 
> of nodes in evaluating miner consensus-hijack success. Even if you expect a 
> disproportionate ratio of full-nodes-vs-SPV, they may not have the same  
> economic weight at all, therefore even if miners are able to lure a majority 
> of SPV clients they may not be able to stir economic nodes. SPV clients users 
> will now have an incentive to cancel their hijacked history to stay on the 
> most economic meaningful chain. And it's already assumed, that if you run a 
> bitcoin business or LN routing node, you do want to run your own full-node.

One hope I have for Lightning is that it will replace centralized custodial 
services, because:

* Lightning gains some of the scalability advantage of centralized custodial 
services, because you can now transfer to any Lightning client without touching 
the blockchain, for much reduced transfer fees.
* At the same time, it retains your-keys-your-coins noncustodiality, because 
every update of a Lightning channel requires your keys to sign off on it.

If most Lightning clients are SPV, then if we compare these two worlds:

* There are a few highly-important centralized custodial services with 
significant economic weight running fullnodes (i.e. now).
* There are no highly-important centralized custodial services, and most 
everyone uses Lightning, but with SPV (i.e. a Lightning future).

Then the distribution of economic weight would be different between these two 
It may even be possible, that the Lightning future with massive SPV might end 
up with more economic weight in SPV nodes, than in the world without Lightning 
and dependent on centralized custodial services to scale.

It is also entirely possible that custodial services for Lightning will arise 
anyway and my hope is already dashed, come on universe, work harder will you, 
would you really disappoint some randomly-generated Internet person like that.

> I agree it may be hard to evaluate economic-weight-to-chain-backend segments, 
> specially with offchain you disentangle an onchain output value from its real 
> payment traffic. To strengthen SPV, you may implement forks detection and 
> fallback to some backup node(s) which would serve as an authoritative source 
> to arbiter between branches. Such backup node(s) must be picked up manually 
> at client initialization, before any risk of conflict to avoid Reddit-style 
> of hijack during contentious period or other massive social engineering. You 
> don't want autopilot-style of recommendations for picking up a backup nodes 
> and avoid cenralization of backups, but somehow a uniform distribution. A 
> backup node may be a private one, it won't serve you any data beyond headers, 
> and therefore you preserve public nodes bandwidth, which IMO is the real 
> bottleneck. I concede it won't work well if you have a ratio of 1000-SPV for 
> 1-full-node and people are not effectively able to pickup a backup among 
> their social environment.
> What do you think about this model ?

Money makes the world go round, so such backup servers that are publicly-facing 
rather than privately-owned should be somehow incentivized to do so, or else 
they would not exist in the first place.
Of course, a free market tends towards monopoly, because any entity that 
happens to have even a slight advantage at the business will have more money to 
use towards business reinvestment and increase its advantage further, until 
they beat the competition to dust, anyone who has won a 4X game knows to search 
for and stack those little advantages until you snowball and conquer the 
world/galaxy/petri dish which is why the endgame of 4X games is so boring 
compared to the start, we have seen this happen in mining and exchanges and so 
on, and this works against your desire to have a uniform distribution.

If everyone runs such a privately-owned server, on the other hand, this is not 
so different from having a Lightning node you run at your home that has a 
fullnode as well and which you access via a remote control mobile device, and 
it is the inconvenience of having such a server at your home that prevents this 
in the first place.

Lightning-dev mailing list

Re: [Lightning-dev] [bitcoin-dev] On the scalability issues of onboarding millions of LN mobile clients

2020-05-13 Thread Antoine Riard
Hi Chris,

While approaching this question, I think you should consider economic
weight of nodes in evaluating miner consensus-hijack success. Even if you
expect a disproportionate ratio of full-nodes-vs-SPV, they may not have the
same  economic weight at all, therefore even if miners are able to lure a
majority of SPV clients they may not be able to stir economic nodes. SPV
clients users will now have an incentive to cancel their hijacked history
to stay on the most economic meaningful chain. And it's already assumed,
that if you run a bitcoin business or LN routing node, you do want to run
your own full-node.

I agree it may be hard to evaluate economic-weight-to-chain-backend
segments, specially with offchain you disentangle an onchain output value
from its real payment traffic. To strengthen SPV, you may implement forks
detection and fallback to some backup node(s) which would serve as an
authoritative source to arbiter between branches. Such backup node(s) must
be picked up manually at client initialization, before any risk of conflict
to avoid Reddit-style of hijack during contentious period or other massive
social engineering. You don't want autopilot-style of recommendations for
picking up a backup nodes and avoid cenralization of backups, but somehow a
uniform distribution. A backup node may be a private one, it won't serve
you any data beyond headers, and therefore you preserve public nodes
bandwidth, which IMO is the real bottleneck. I concede it won't work well
if you have a ratio of 1000-SPV for 1-full-node and people are not
effectively able to pickup a backup among their social environment.

What do you think about this model ?



Le mar. 12 mai 2020 à 17:06, Chris Belcher  a écrit :

> On 05/05/2020 16:16, Lloyd Fournier via bitcoin-dev wrote:
> > On Tue, May 5, 2020 at 9:01 PM Luke Dashjr via bitcoin-dev <
> >> wrote:
> >
> >> On Tuesday 05 May 2020 10:17:37 Antoine Riard via bitcoin-dev wrote:
> >>> Trust-minimization of Bitcoin security model has always relied first
> and
> >>> above on running a full-node. This current paradigm may be shifted by
> LN
> >>> where fast, affordable, confidential, censorship-resistant payment
> >> services
> >>> may attract a lot of adoption without users running a full-node.
> >>
> >> No, it cannot be shifted. This would compromise Bitcoin itself, which
> for
> >> security depends on the assumption that a supermajority of the economy
> is
> >> verifying their incoming transactions using their own full node.
> >>
> >
> > Hi Luke,
> >
> > I have heard this claim made several times but have never understood the
> > argument behind it. The question I always have is: If I get scammed by
> not
> > verifying my incoming transactions properly how can this affect anyone
> > else? It's very unintuative.  I've been scammed several times in my life
> in
> > fiat currency transactions but as far as I could tell it never negatively
> > affected the currency overall!
> >
> > The links you point and from what I've seen you say before refer to
> "miner
> > control" as the culprit. My only thought is that this is because a light
> > client could follow a dishonest majority of hash power chain. But this
> just
> > brings me back to the question. If, instead of BTC, I get a payment in
> some
> > miner scamcoin on their dishonest fork (but I think it's BTC because I'm
> > running a light client) that still seems to only to damage me. Where does
> > the side effect onto others on the network come from?
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > LL
> >
> Hello Lloyd,
> The problem comes when a large part of the ecosystem gets scammed at
> once, which is how such an attack would happen in practice.
> For example, consider if bitcoin had 1 users. 10 of them use a full
> node wallet while the other 9990 use an SPV wallet. If a miner attacked
> the system by printing infinite bitcoins and spending coins without a
> valid signature, then the 9990 SPV wallets would accept those fake coins
> as payment, and trade the coins amongst themselves. After a time those
> coins would likely be the ancestors of most active coins in the
> 9990-SPV-wallet ecosystem. Bitcoin would split into two currencies:
> full-node-coin and SPV-coin.
> Now the fraud miners may become well known, perhaps being published on
> bitcoin news portals, but the 9990-SPV-wallet ecosystem has a strong
> incentive to be against any rollback. Their recent transactions would
> disappear and they'd lose money. They would argue that they've already
> been using the coin for a while, and it works perfectly fine, and anyway
> a coin that can be spent in 9990 places is more useful than one that can
> be spent in just 10 places. The SPV-wallet community might even decide
> to use something like `invalidateblock` to make sure their SPV-coin
> doesn't get reorg'd out of existence. There'd also likely be a social
> attack, with every bitcoin community portal being flooded with bots and

Re: [Lightning-dev] [bitcoin-dev] On the scalability issues of onboarding millions of LN mobile clients

2020-05-12 Thread Chris Belcher
On 05/05/2020 16:16, Lloyd Fournier via bitcoin-dev wrote:
> On Tue, May 5, 2020 at 9:01 PM Luke Dashjr via bitcoin-dev <
>> wrote:
>> On Tuesday 05 May 2020 10:17:37 Antoine Riard via bitcoin-dev wrote:
>>> Trust-minimization of Bitcoin security model has always relied first and
>>> above on running a full-node. This current paradigm may be shifted by LN
>>> where fast, affordable, confidential, censorship-resistant payment
>> services
>>> may attract a lot of adoption without users running a full-node.
>> No, it cannot be shifted. This would compromise Bitcoin itself, which for
>> security depends on the assumption that a supermajority of the economy is
>> verifying their incoming transactions using their own full node.
> Hi Luke,
> I have heard this claim made several times but have never understood the
> argument behind it. The question I always have is: If I get scammed by not
> verifying my incoming transactions properly how can this affect anyone
> else? It's very unintuative.  I've been scammed several times in my life in
> fiat currency transactions but as far as I could tell it never negatively
> affected the currency overall!
> The links you point and from what I've seen you say before refer to "miner
> control" as the culprit. My only thought is that this is because a light
> client could follow a dishonest majority of hash power chain. But this just
> brings me back to the question. If, instead of BTC, I get a payment in some
> miner scamcoin on their dishonest fork (but I think it's BTC because I'm
> running a light client) that still seems to only to damage me. Where does
> the side effect onto others on the network come from?
> Cheers,
> LL

Hello Lloyd,

The problem comes when a large part of the ecosystem gets scammed at
once, which is how such an attack would happen in practice.

For example, consider if bitcoin had 1 users. 10 of them use a full
node wallet while the other 9990 use an SPV wallet. If a miner attacked
the system by printing infinite bitcoins and spending coins without a
valid signature, then the 9990 SPV wallets would accept those fake coins
as payment, and trade the coins amongst themselves. After a time those
coins would likely be the ancestors of most active coins in the
9990-SPV-wallet ecosystem. Bitcoin would split into two currencies:
full-node-coin and SPV-coin.

Now the fraud miners may become well known, perhaps being published on
bitcoin news portals, but the 9990-SPV-wallet ecosystem has a strong
incentive to be against any rollback. Their recent transactions would
disappear and they'd lose money. They would argue that they've already
been using the coin for a while, and it works perfectly fine, and anyway
a coin that can be spent in 9990 places is more useful than one that can
be spent in just 10 places. The SPV-wallet community might even decide
to use something like `invalidateblock` to make sure their SPV-coin
doesn't get reorg'd out of existence. There'd also likely be a social
attack, with every bitcoin community portal being flooded with bots and
shills advocating the merits of SPV-coin. This is not a hypothetical
because we already saw the same thing during the scalability conflict

Before you know it, "Bitcoin" would become SPV-coin with inflation and
arbitrary seizure. Any normal user could download software called
"Bitcoin wallet" which they trust and have used before, but instead of
using Bitcoin they'd be using SPV-coin. You may be one of the 10 wallets
backed by a full node, but that won't do much good to you when 9990
users happily use another coin as their medium of exchange.

Lightning-dev mailing list

Re: [Lightning-dev] [bitcoin-dev] On the scalability issues of onboarding millions of LN mobile clients

2020-05-09 Thread Antoine Riard
Hi Christopher,

Thanks for Blockchain Commons and Learning Bitcoin from the Command Line!

> If there are people interested in coordinating some proposals on how to
defining different sets of wallet functionality, Blockchain Commons would
be interested in hosting that collaboration. This could start as just being
a transparent shim between bitcoin-core & remote RPC, but later could
inform proposals for the future of the core wallet functionality as it gets

Yes generally refactoring in Core wallets are making good progress [0]. I'm
pretty sure feedbacks and proposals on future changes with regards to
usability would be greatly appreciated.

Maybe you can bring these during a IRC meeting ?


[0] See or

Le ven. 8 mai 2020 à 17:31, Christopher Allen via bitcoin-dev <> a écrit :

> On Fri, May 8, 2020 at 2:00 PM Keagan McClelland via bitcoin-dev <
>> wrote:
>> Perhaps I wasn't explicit in my previous note but what I mean is that
>> there seems to be a demand for something *in between* a peer interface,
>> and an owner interface. I have little opinion as to whether this belongs in
>> core or not, I think there are much more experienced folks who can weight
>> in on that, but without something like this, you cannot limit your exposure
>> for serving something like bip157 filters without removing your own ability
>> to make use of some of those same services.
> Our FullyNoded2 multisig wallet on iOS & Mac, communicates with your own
> personal node over RPC, securing the connection using Tor over a hidden
> onion service and two-way client authentication using a v3 Tor
> Authentication key:
> It many ways the app (and its predecessor FullyNoded1) is an interface
> between a personal full node and a user.
> However, we do wish that the full RPC functionality was not exposed in
> bitcoin-core. I’d love to see a cryptographic capability mechanism such
> that the remote wallet could only m ask the node functions that it needs,
> and allow escalation for other rarer services it needs with addition
> authorization.
> This capability mechanism feature set should go both ways, to a minimum
> subset needed for being a watch-only transaction verification tool, all the
> way to things RPC can’t do like deleting a wallet and changing bitcoin.conf
> parameters and rebooting, without requiring full ssh access to the server
> running the node.
> If there are people interested in coordinating some proposals on how to
> defining different sets of wallet functionality, Blockchain Commons would
> be interested in hosting that collaboration. This could start as just being
> a transparent shim between bitcoin-core & remote RPC, but later could
> inform proposals for the future of the core wallet functionality as it gets
> refactored.
> — Christopher Allen
> ___
> bitcoin-dev mailing list
Lightning-dev mailing list

Re: [Lightning-dev] [bitcoin-dev] On the scalability issues of onboarding millions of LN mobile clients

2020-05-08 Thread Braydon Fuller via Lightning-dev
On 5/8/20 1:01 PM, Keagan McClelland wrote:

>> The RPC interface in Bitcoin Core, and others, is not great for this
>> because it exposes a lot of functionality that isn't necessary and
>> introduces risks.
> This is actually somewhat my point. If the RPC interface was good for this
> and *didn't* introduce risks, we could just use that and be done with it.
> But I'm finding there are many use cases that you want to have low cost
> ways to serve peer services to people whom you have given explicit
> permission, but they shouldn't have full ability to administrate the node.
> Perhaps I wasn't explicit in my previous note but what I mean is that there
> seems to be a demand for something *in between* a peer interface, and an
> owner interface. I have little opinion as to whether this belongs in core
> or not, I think there are much more experienced folks who can weight in on
> that, but without something like this, you cannot limit your exposure for
> serving something like bip157 filters without removing your own ability to
> make use of some of those same services.

An idea I was thinking about was having three ports for a full node:

1) Consensus bitcoin protocol. This is the existing peer-to-peer
protocol without additional services.
2) Wallet services protocol. Adds additional functionality for wallets.
For example bloom filtering, compact block filters, and potentially
output and address indexes for electrum-like support. It's nearly
identical to the consensus peer-to-peer protocol, supporting the same
wire format. As it's on another port, various middleware could be added
to support various authentication and transports.
3) Control interface. This is the existing JSON-RPC interface, without
all wallet related RPC methods.

Lightning-dev mailing list

Re: [Lightning-dev] [bitcoin-dev] On the scalability issues of onboarding millions of LN mobile clients

2020-05-08 Thread Keagan McClelland
> The RPC interface in Bitcoin Core, and others, is not great for this
> because it exposes a lot of functionality that isn't necessary and
> introduces risks.

This is actually somewhat my point. If the RPC interface was good for this
and *didn't* introduce risks, we could just use that and be done with it.
But I'm finding there are many use cases that you want to have low cost
ways to serve peer services to people whom you have given explicit
permission, but they shouldn't have full ability to administrate the node.

Perhaps I wasn't explicit in my previous note but what I mean is that there
seems to be a demand for something *in between* a peer interface, and an
owner interface. I have little opinion as to whether this belongs in core
or not, I think there are much more experienced folks who can weight in on
that, but without something like this, you cannot limit your exposure for
serving something like bip157 filters without removing your own ability to
make use of some of those same services.


On Fri, May 8, 2020 at 1:51 PM Braydon Fuller  wrote:

> On 5/6/20 9:07 PM, Keagan McClelland wrote:
> > I think that one of the solutions here is to have light clients choose
> > their full node tethers explicitly. Even if you think it is unrealistic
> to
> > have everyone run their own node (fwiw, I don’t), there is still a trust
> > model where you can pick your trusted source.
> >
> > This way you could have many light clients working off of a family node,
> > and the peer services could be limited to some sort of “authenticated”
> > peers. Perhaps this is better accomplished over the RPC interface in
> Core,
> > but the idea is to have some sort of peer service model between “full
> > public” and “owner only”. This limits the amount of costs that can be
> > properly externalized, without exposing risk of consensus capture by
> > economically weighty institutions.
> The RPC interface in Bitcoin Core, and others, is not great for this
> because it exposes a lot of functionality that isn't necessary and
> introduces risks. For example the `gettxoutsetinfo` can start a very
> intensive CPU and disk I/O task. There are several others, for example:
> `stop`, `addnode`, `clearbanned`, `setban`, and etc. Furthermore reading
> full raw blocks isn't very efficient with JSON. Electrum servers (e.g
> electrs) for example read blocks from disk instead and use the RPC
> interface to sync headers. Though, Electrum servers also have a risk of
> DoS with addresses that have many transactions, see the `--txid-limit`
> option [2].
> [1]:
> [2]:
Lightning-dev mailing list

Re: [Lightning-dev] [bitcoin-dev] On the scalability issues of onboarding millions of LN mobile clients

2020-05-08 Thread Braydon Fuller via Lightning-dev
On 5/5/20 5:31 PM, Olaoluwa Osuntokun via bitcoin-dev wrote:

> Hi Antoine,
>> Even with cheaper, more efficient protocols like BIP 157, you may have a
>> huge discrepancy between what is asked and what is offered. Assuming 10M
>> light clients [0] each of them consuming ~100MB/month for filters/headers,
>> that means you're asking 1PB/month of traffic to the backbone network. If
>> you assume 10K public nodes, like today, assuming _all_ of them opt-in to
>> signal BIP 157, that's an increase of 100GB/month for each. Which is
>> consequent with regards to the estimated cost of 350GB/month for running
>> an actual public node
> One really dope thing about BIP 157+158, is that the protocol makes serving
> light clients now _stateless_, since the full node doesn't need to perform
> any unique work for a given client. As a result, the entire protocol could
> be served over something like HTTP, taking advantage of all the established
> CDNs and anycast serving infrastructure, which can reduce syncing time
> (less latency to
> fetch data) and also more widely distributed the load of light clients using
> the existing web infrastructure. Going further, with HTTP/2's server-push
> capabilities, those serving this data can still push out notifications for
> new headers, etc.

The statelessness of compact block filters does look useful. Bloom
filters for
blocks can be inefficient, during a scan with a BIP37 wallet, it's
necessary to
discard already received merkle blocks as the filter has been updated
and the
previous results may have missed transactions. Both bitcoinj [1] and
breadwallet-core [2] handle it using a similar method. The alternative of
synchronizing and alternating between requesting blocks and filter
updates leads
to slow scan times. With compact block filters, a separate wallet
process (from
the full node) can make adjustments necessary to what it needs to filter
having to communicate with the full node.


Lightning-dev mailing list

Re: [Lightning-dev] [bitcoin-dev] On the scalability issues of onboarding millions of LN mobile clients

2020-05-08 Thread Braydon Fuller via Lightning-dev
On 5/6/20 9:07 PM, Keagan McClelland wrote:

> I think that one of the solutions here is to have light clients choose
> their full node tethers explicitly. Even if you think it is unrealistic to
> have everyone run their own node (fwiw, I don’t), there is still a trust
> model where you can pick your trusted source.
> This way you could have many light clients working off of a family node,
> and the peer services could be limited to some sort of “authenticated”
> peers. Perhaps this is better accomplished over the RPC interface in Core,
> but the idea is to have some sort of peer service model between “full
> public” and “owner only”. This limits the amount of costs that can be
> properly externalized, without exposing risk of consensus capture by
> economically weighty institutions.

The RPC interface in Bitcoin Core, and others, is not great for this
because it exposes a lot of functionality that isn't necessary and
introduces risks. For example the `gettxoutsetinfo` can start a very
intensive CPU and disk I/O task. There are several others, for example:
`stop`, `addnode`, `clearbanned`, `setban`, and etc. Furthermore reading
full raw blocks isn't very efficient with JSON. Electrum servers (e.g
electrs) for example read blocks from disk instead and use the RPC
interface to sync headers. Though, Electrum servers also have a risk of
DoS with addresses that have many transactions, see the `--txid-limit`
option [2].


Lightning-dev mailing list

Re: [Lightning-dev] [bitcoin-dev] On the scalability issues of onboarding millions of LN mobile clients

2020-05-06 Thread Keagan McClelland
I think that one of the solutions here is to have light clients choose
their full node tethers explicitly. Even if you think it is unrealistic to
have everyone run their own node (fwiw, I don’t), there is still a trust
model where you can pick your trusted source.

This way you could have many light clients working off of a family node,
and the peer services could be limited to some sort of “authenticated”
peers. Perhaps this is better accomplished over the RPC interface in Core,
but the idea is to have some sort of peer service model between “full
public” and “owner only”. This limits the amount of costs that can be
properly externalized, without exposing risk of consensus capture by
economically weighty institutions.


On Wed, May 6, 2020 at 9:56 PM Antoine Riard 

> What I'm thinking more is if the costs of security are being too much
> externalized from the light clients onto full nodes, nodes operators are
> just going to stop servicing light clients `peercfilters=false`. The
> backbone p2p network is going to be fine. But the massive LN light clients
> network built on top is going to rely on centralized services for its chain
> access and now you may have consensus capture by those..
> Le mer. 6 mai 2020 à 12:00, Keagan McClelland 
> a écrit :
>> Hi Antoine,
>> Consensus capture by miners isn't the only concern here. Consensus
>> capture by any subset of users whose interests diverge from the overall
>> consensus is equally damaging. The scenario I can imagine here is that the
>> more light clients outpace full nodes, the more the costs of security are
>> being externalized from the light clients onto the full nodes. In this
>> situation, it can make full nodes harder to run. If they are harder to run
>> it will price out some marginal set of full node operators, which causes a
>> net new increase in light clients (as the disaffected full nodes convert),
>> AND a redistribution of load onto a smaller surface area. This is a
>> naturally unstable process. It is safe to say that as node counts drop, the
>> set of node operators will increasingly represent economic actors with
>> extreme weight. The more this process unfolds, the more likely their
>> interests will diverge from the population at large, and also the more
>> likely they can be coerced into behavior they otherwise wouldn't. After all
>> it is easier to find agents who carry lots of economic weight. This is true
>> independent of their mining status, we should be just as wary of consensus
>> capture by exchanges or HNWI's as we are about miners.
>> Keagan
>> On Wed, May 6, 2020 at 3:06 AM Antoine Riard 
>> wrote:
>>> I do see the consensus capture argument by miners but in reality isn't
>>> this attack scenario have a lot of assumptions on topology an deployment ?
>>> For such attack to succeed you need miners nodes to be connected to
>>> clients to feed directly the invalid headers and if these ones are
>>> connected to headers/filters gateways, themselves doing full-nodes
>>> validation invalid chain is going to be sanitized out ?
>>> Sure now you trust these gateways, but if you have multiple connections
>>> to them and can guarantee they aren't run by the same entity, that maybe an
>>> acceptable security model, depending of staked amount and your
>>> expectations. I more concerned of having a lot of them and being
>>> diversified enough to avoid collusion between gateways/chain access
>>> providers/miners.
>>> But even if you light clients is directly connected to the backbone
>>> network and may be reached by miners you can implement fork anomalies
>>> detection and from then you may have multiples options:
>>> * halt the wallet, wait for human intervention
>>> * fallback connection to a trusted server, authoritative on your chain
>>> view
>>> * invalidity proofs?
>>> Now I agree you need a wide-enough, sane backbone network to build on
>>> top, and we should foster node adoption as much as we can.
>>> Le mar. 5 mai 2020 à 09:01, Luke Dashjr  a écrit :
 On Tuesday 05 May 2020 10:17:37 Antoine Riard via bitcoin-dev wrote:
 > Trust-minimization of Bitcoin security model has always relied first
 > above on running a full-node. This current paradigm may be shifted by
 > where fast, affordable, confidential, censorship-resistant payment
 > may attract a lot of adoption without users running a full-node.

 No, it cannot be shifted. This would compromise Bitcoin itself, which
 security depends on the assumption that a supermajority of the economy
 verifying their incoming transactions using their own full node.

 The past few years has seen severe regressions in this area, to the
 where Bitcoin's future seems quite bleak. Without serious improvements
 to the
 full node ratio, Bitcoin is likely to fail.

 Therefore, all efforts to improve the "full node-less" 

Re: [Lightning-dev] [bitcoin-dev] On the scalability issues of onboarding millions of LN mobile clients

2020-05-06 Thread Antoine Riard
What I'm thinking more is if the costs of security are being too much
externalized from the light clients onto full nodes, nodes operators are
just going to stop servicing light clients `peercfilters=false`. The
backbone p2p network is going to be fine. But the massive LN light clients
network built on top is going to rely on centralized services for its chain
access and now you may have consensus capture by those..

Le mer. 6 mai 2020 à 12:00, Keagan McClelland 
a écrit :

> Hi Antoine,
> Consensus capture by miners isn't the only concern here. Consensus capture
> by any subset of users whose interests diverge from the overall consensus
> is equally damaging. The scenario I can imagine here is that the more light
> clients outpace full nodes, the more the costs of security are being
> externalized from the light clients onto the full nodes. In this situation,
> it can make full nodes harder to run. If they are harder to run it will
> price out some marginal set of full node operators, which causes a net new
> increase in light clients (as the disaffected full nodes convert), AND a
> redistribution of load onto a smaller surface area. This is a naturally
> unstable process. It is safe to say that as node counts drop, the set of
> node operators will increasingly represent economic actors with extreme
> weight. The more this process unfolds, the more likely their interests will
> diverge from the population at large, and also the more likely they can be
> coerced into behavior they otherwise wouldn't. After all it is easier to
> find agents who carry lots of economic weight. This is true independent of
> their mining status, we should be just as wary of consensus capture by
> exchanges or HNWI's as we are about miners.
> Keagan
> On Wed, May 6, 2020 at 3:06 AM Antoine Riard 
> wrote:
>> I do see the consensus capture argument by miners but in reality isn't
>> this attack scenario have a lot of assumptions on topology an deployment ?
>> For such attack to succeed you need miners nodes to be connected to
>> clients to feed directly the invalid headers and if these ones are
>> connected to headers/filters gateways, themselves doing full-nodes
>> validation invalid chain is going to be sanitized out ?
>> Sure now you trust these gateways, but if you have multiple connections
>> to them and can guarantee they aren't run by the same entity, that maybe an
>> acceptable security model, depending of staked amount and your
>> expectations. I more concerned of having a lot of them and being
>> diversified enough to avoid collusion between gateways/chain access
>> providers/miners.
>> But even if you light clients is directly connected to the backbone
>> network and may be reached by miners you can implement fork anomalies
>> detection and from then you may have multiples options:
>> * halt the wallet, wait for human intervention
>> * fallback connection to a trusted server, authoritative on your chain
>> view
>> * invalidity proofs?
>> Now I agree you need a wide-enough, sane backbone network to build on
>> top, and we should foster node adoption as much as we can.
>> Le mar. 5 mai 2020 à 09:01, Luke Dashjr  a écrit :
>>> On Tuesday 05 May 2020 10:17:37 Antoine Riard via bitcoin-dev wrote:
>>> > Trust-minimization of Bitcoin security model has always relied first
>>> and
>>> > above on running a full-node. This current paradigm may be shifted by
>>> LN
>>> > where fast, affordable, confidential, censorship-resistant payment
>>> services
>>> > may attract a lot of adoption without users running a full-node.
>>> No, it cannot be shifted. This would compromise Bitcoin itself, which
>>> for
>>> security depends on the assumption that a supermajority of the economy
>>> is
>>> verifying their incoming transactions using their own full node.
>>> The past few years has seen severe regressions in this area, to the
>>> point
>>> where Bitcoin's future seems quite bleak. Without serious improvements
>>> to the
>>> full node ratio, Bitcoin is likely to fail.
>>> Therefore, all efforts to improve the "full node-less" experience are
>>> harmful,
>>> and should be actively avoided. BIP 157 improves privacy of fn-less
>>> usage,
>>> while providing no real benefits to full node users (compared to more
>>> efficient protocols like Stratum/Electrum).
>>> For this reason, myself and a few others oppose merging support for BIP
>>> 157 in
>>> Core.
>>> > Assuming a user adoption path where a full-node is required to benefit
>>> for
>>> > LN may deprive a lot of users, especially those who are already denied
>>> a
>>> > real financial infrastructure access.
>>> If Bitcoin can't do it, then Bitcoin can't do it.
>>> Bitcoin can't solve *any* problem if it becomes insecure itself.
>>> Luke
>>> P.S. See also

Re: [Lightning-dev] [bitcoin-dev] On the scalability issues of onboarding millions of LN mobile clients

2020-05-06 Thread Keagan McClelland
Hi Antoine,

Consensus capture by miners isn't the only concern here. Consensus capture
by any subset of users whose interests diverge from the overall consensus
is equally damaging. The scenario I can imagine here is that the more light
clients outpace full nodes, the more the costs of security are being
externalized from the light clients onto the full nodes. In this situation,
it can make full nodes harder to run. If they are harder to run it will
price out some marginal set of full node operators, which causes a net new
increase in light clients (as the disaffected full nodes convert), AND a
redistribution of load onto a smaller surface area. This is a naturally
unstable process. It is safe to say that as node counts drop, the set of
node operators will increasingly represent economic actors with extreme
weight. The more this process unfolds, the more likely their interests will
diverge from the population at large, and also the more likely they can be
coerced into behavior they otherwise wouldn't. After all it is easier to
find agents who carry lots of economic weight. This is true independent of
their mining status, we should be just as wary of consensus capture by
exchanges or HNWI's as we are about miners.


On Wed, May 6, 2020 at 3:06 AM Antoine Riard 

> I do see the consensus capture argument by miners but in reality isn't
> this attack scenario have a lot of assumptions on topology an deployment ?
> For such attack to succeed you need miners nodes to be connected to
> clients to feed directly the invalid headers and if these ones are
> connected to headers/filters gateways, themselves doing full-nodes
> validation invalid chain is going to be sanitized out ?
> Sure now you trust these gateways, but if you have multiple connections to
> them and can guarantee they aren't run by the same entity, that maybe an
> acceptable security model, depending of staked amount and your
> expectations. I more concerned of having a lot of them and being
> diversified enough to avoid collusion between gateways/chain access
> providers/miners.
> But even if you light clients is directly connected to the backbone
> network and may be reached by miners you can implement fork anomalies
> detection and from then you may have multiples options:
> * halt the wallet, wait for human intervention
> * fallback connection to a trusted server, authoritative on your chain view
> * invalidity proofs?
> Now I agree you need a wide-enough, sane backbone network to build on top,
> and we should foster node adoption as much as we can.
> Le mar. 5 mai 2020 à 09:01, Luke Dashjr  a écrit :
>> On Tuesday 05 May 2020 10:17:37 Antoine Riard via bitcoin-dev wrote:
>> > Trust-minimization of Bitcoin security model has always relied first and
>> > above on running a full-node. This current paradigm may be shifted by LN
>> > where fast, affordable, confidential, censorship-resistant payment
>> services
>> > may attract a lot of adoption without users running a full-node.
>> No, it cannot be shifted. This would compromise Bitcoin itself, which for
>> security depends on the assumption that a supermajority of the economy is
>> verifying their incoming transactions using their own full node.
>> The past few years has seen severe regressions in this area, to the point
>> where Bitcoin's future seems quite bleak. Without serious improvements to
>> the
>> full node ratio, Bitcoin is likely to fail.
>> Therefore, all efforts to improve the "full node-less" experience are
>> harmful,
>> and should be actively avoided. BIP 157 improves privacy of fn-less
>> usage,
>> while providing no real benefits to full node users (compared to more
>> efficient protocols like Stratum/Electrum).
>> For this reason, myself and a few others oppose merging support for BIP
>> 157 in
>> Core.
>> > Assuming a user adoption path where a full-node is required to benefit
>> for
>> > LN may deprive a lot of users, especially those who are already denied a
>> > real financial infrastructure access.
>> If Bitcoin can't do it, then Bitcoin can't do it.
>> Bitcoin can't solve *any* problem if it becomes insecure itself.
>> Luke
>> P.S. See also
> ___
> Lightning-dev mailing list
Lightning-dev mailing list

Re: [Lightning-dev] [bitcoin-dev] On the scalability issues of onboarding millions of LN mobile clients

2020-05-06 Thread Antoine Riard
> The choice between whether we offer them a light client technology that
is better or worse for privacy and scalability.

And offer them a solution which would scale in the long-term.

Again it's not an argumentation against BIP 157 protocol in itself, the
problem I'm interested in is how implementing BIP157 in Core will address
this issue ?

Le mar. 5 mai 2020 à 13:36, John Newbery via bitcoin-dev <> a écrit :

> There doesn't seem to be anything in the original email that's specific to
> BIP 157. It's a restatement of the arguments against light clients:
> - light clients are a burden on the full nodes that serve them
> - if light clients become more popular, there won't be enough full nodes
> to serve them
> - people might build products that depend on altruistic nodes serving
> data, which is unsustainable
> - maybe at some point in the future, light clients will need to pay for
> services
> The choice isn't between people using light clients or not. People already
> use light clients. The choice between whether we offer them a light client
> technology that is better or worse for privacy and scalability.
> The arguments for why BIP 157 is better than the existing light client
> technologies are available elsewhere, but to summarize:
> - they're unique for a block, which means they can easily be cached.
> Serving a filter requires no computation, just i/o (or memory access for
> cached filter/header data) and bandwidth. There are plenty of other
> services that a full node offers that use i/o and bandwidth, such as
> serving blocks.
> - unique-for-block means clients can download from multiple sources
> - the linked-headers/filters model allows hybrid approaches, where headers
> checkpoints can be fetched from trusted/signed nodes, with intermediate
> headers and filters fetched from untrusted sources
> - less possibilities to DoS/waste resources on the serving node
> - better for privacy
> > The intention, as I understood it, of putting BIP157 directly into
> bitcoind was to essentially force all `bitcoind` users to possibly service
> BIP157 clients
> Please. No-one is forcing anyone to do anything. To serve filters, a node
> user needs to download the latest version, set `-blockfilterindex=basic` to
> build the compact filters index, and set `-peercfilters` to serve them over
> P2P. This is an optional, off-by-default feature.
> Regards,
> John
> On Tue, May 5, 2020 at 9:50 AM ZmnSCPxj via bitcoin-dev <
>> wrote:
>> Good morning ariard and luke-jr
>> > > Trust-minimization of Bitcoin security model has always relied first
>> and
>> > > above on running a full-node. This current paradigm may be shifted by
>> LN
>> > > where fast, affordable, confidential, censorship-resistant payment
>> services
>> > > may attract a lot of adoption without users running a full-node.
>> >
>> > No, it cannot be shifted. This would compromise Bitcoin itself, which
>> for
>> > security depends on the assumption that a supermajority of the economy
>> is
>> > verifying their incoming transactions using their own full node.
>> >
>> > The past few years has seen severe regressions in this area, to the
>> point
>> > where Bitcoin's future seems quite bleak. Without serious improvements
>> to the
>> > full node ratio, Bitcoin is likely to fail.
>> >
>> > Therefore, all efforts to improve the "full node-less" experience are
>> harmful,
>> > and should be actively avoided. BIP 157 improves privacy of fn-less
>> usage,
>> > while providing no real benefits to full node users (compared to more
>> > efficient protocols like Stratum/Electrum).
>> >
>> > For this reason, myself and a few others oppose merging support for BIP
>> 157 in
>> > Core.
>> BIP 157 can be implemented as a separate daemon that processes the blocks
>> downloaded by an attached `bitcoind`, i.e. what Wasabi does.
>> The intention, as I understood it, of putting BIP157 directly into
>> bitcoind was to essentially force all `bitcoind` users to possibly service
>> BIP157 clients, in the hope that a BIP157 client can contact any arbitrary
>> fullnode to get BIP157 service.
>> This is supposed to improve to the situation relative to e.g. Electrum,
>> where there are far fewer Electrum servers than fullnodes.
>> Of course, as ariard computes, deploying BIP157 could lead to an
>> effective DDoS on the fullnode network if a large number of BIP157 clients
>> arise.
>> Though maybe this will not occur very fast?  We hope?
>> It seems to me that the thing that *could* be done would be to have
>> watchtowers provide light-client services, since that seems to be the major
>> business model of watchtowers, as suggested by ariard as well.
>> This is still less than ideal, but maybe is better than nothing.
>> Regards,
>> ZmnSCPxj
>> ___
>> bitcoin-dev mailing list

Re: [Lightning-dev] [bitcoin-dev] On the scalability issues of onboarding millions of LN mobile clients

2020-05-06 Thread Antoine Riard
I do see the consensus capture argument by miners but in reality isn't this
attack scenario have a lot of assumptions on topology an deployment ?

For such attack to succeed you need miners nodes to be connected to clients
to feed directly the invalid headers and if these ones are connected to
headers/filters gateways, themselves doing full-nodes validation invalid
chain is going to be sanitized out ?

Sure now you trust these gateways, but if you have multiple connections to
them and can guarantee they aren't run by the same entity, that maybe an
acceptable security model, depending of staked amount and your
expectations. I more concerned of having a lot of them and being
diversified enough to avoid collusion between gateways/chain access

But even if you light clients is directly connected to the backbone network
and may be reached by miners you can implement fork anomalies detection and
from then you may have multiples options:
* halt the wallet, wait for human intervention
* fallback connection to a trusted server, authoritative on your chain view
* invalidity proofs?

Now I agree you need a wide-enough, sane backbone network to build on top,
and we should foster node adoption as much as we can.

Le mar. 5 mai 2020 à 09:01, Luke Dashjr  a écrit :

> On Tuesday 05 May 2020 10:17:37 Antoine Riard via bitcoin-dev wrote:
> > Trust-minimization of Bitcoin security model has always relied first and
> > above on running a full-node. This current paradigm may be shifted by LN
> > where fast, affordable, confidential, censorship-resistant payment
> services
> > may attract a lot of adoption without users running a full-node.
> No, it cannot be shifted. This would compromise Bitcoin itself, which for
> security depends on the assumption that a supermajority of the economy is
> verifying their incoming transactions using their own full node.
> The past few years has seen severe regressions in this area, to the point
> where Bitcoin's future seems quite bleak. Without serious improvements to
> the
> full node ratio, Bitcoin is likely to fail.
> Therefore, all efforts to improve the "full node-less" experience are
> harmful,
> and should be actively avoided. BIP 157 improves privacy of fn-less usage,
> while providing no real benefits to full node users (compared to more
> efficient protocols like Stratum/Electrum).
> For this reason, myself and a few others oppose merging support for BIP
> 157 in
> Core.
> > Assuming a user adoption path where a full-node is required to benefit
> for
> > LN may deprive a lot of users, especially those who are already denied a
> > real financial infrastructure access.
> If Bitcoin can't do it, then Bitcoin can't do it.
> Bitcoin can't solve *any* problem if it becomes insecure itself.
> Luke
> P.S. See also
Lightning-dev mailing list

Re: [Lightning-dev] [bitcoin-dev] On the scalability issues of onboarding millions of LN mobile clients

2020-05-05 Thread Lloyd Fournier
On Tue, May 5, 2020 at 9:01 PM Luke Dashjr via bitcoin-dev <> wrote:

> On Tuesday 05 May 2020 10:17:37 Antoine Riard via bitcoin-dev wrote:
> > Trust-minimization of Bitcoin security model has always relied first and
> > above on running a full-node. This current paradigm may be shifted by LN
> > where fast, affordable, confidential, censorship-resistant payment
> services
> > may attract a lot of adoption without users running a full-node.
> No, it cannot be shifted. This would compromise Bitcoin itself, which for
> security depends on the assumption that a supermajority of the economy is
> verifying their incoming transactions using their own full node.

Hi Luke,

I have heard this claim made several times but have never understood the
argument behind it. The question I always have is: If I get scammed by not
verifying my incoming transactions properly how can this affect anyone
else? It's very unintuative.  I've been scammed several times in my life in
fiat currency transactions but as far as I could tell it never negatively
affected the currency overall!

The links you point and from what I've seen you say before refer to "miner
control" as the culprit. My only thought is that this is because a light
client could follow a dishonest majority of hash power chain. But this just
brings me back to the question. If, instead of BTC, I get a payment in some
miner scamcoin on their dishonest fork (but I think it's BTC because I'm
running a light client) that still seems to only to damage me. Where does
the side effect onto others on the network come from?


Lightning-dev mailing list

Re: [Lightning-dev] [bitcoin-dev] On the scalability issues of onboarding millions of LN mobile clients

2020-05-05 Thread ZmnSCPxj via Lightning-dev
Good morning ariard and luke-jr

> > Trust-minimization of Bitcoin security model has always relied first and
> > above on running a full-node. This current paradigm may be shifted by LN
> > where fast, affordable, confidential, censorship-resistant payment services
> > may attract a lot of adoption without users running a full-node.
> No, it cannot be shifted. This would compromise Bitcoin itself, which for
> security depends on the assumption that a supermajority of the economy is
> verifying their incoming transactions using their own full node.
> The past few years has seen severe regressions in this area, to the point
> where Bitcoin's future seems quite bleak. Without serious improvements to the
> full node ratio, Bitcoin is likely to fail.
> Therefore, all efforts to improve the "full node-less" experience are harmful,
> and should be actively avoided. BIP 157 improves privacy of fn-less usage,
> while providing no real benefits to full node users (compared to more
> efficient protocols like Stratum/Electrum).
> For this reason, myself and a few others oppose merging support for BIP 157 in
> Core.

BIP 157 can be implemented as a separate daemon that processes the blocks 
downloaded by an attached `bitcoind`, i.e. what Wasabi does.

The intention, as I understood it, of putting BIP157 directly into bitcoind was 
to essentially force all `bitcoind` users to possibly service BIP157 clients, 
in the hope that a BIP157 client can contact any arbitrary fullnode to get 
BIP157 service.
This is supposed to improve to the situation relative to e.g. Electrum, where 
there are far fewer Electrum servers than fullnodes.

Of course, as ariard computes, deploying BIP157 could lead to an effective DDoS 
on the fullnode network if a large number of BIP157 clients arise.
Though maybe this will not occur very fast?  We hope?

It seems to me that the thing that *could* be done would be to have watchtowers 
provide light-client services, since that seems to be the major business model 
of watchtowers, as suggested by ariard as well.
This is still less than ideal, but maybe is better than nothing.

Lightning-dev mailing list

Re: [Lightning-dev] [bitcoin-dev] On the scalability issues of onboarding millions of LN mobile clients

2020-05-05 Thread Luke Dashjr
On Tuesday 05 May 2020 10:17:37 Antoine Riard via bitcoin-dev wrote:
> Trust-minimization of Bitcoin security model has always relied first and
> above on running a full-node. This current paradigm may be shifted by LN
> where fast, affordable, confidential, censorship-resistant payment services
> may attract a lot of adoption without users running a full-node.

No, it cannot be shifted. This would compromise Bitcoin itself, which for 
security depends on the assumption that a supermajority of the economy is 
verifying their incoming transactions using their own full node.

The past few years has seen severe regressions in this area, to the point 
where Bitcoin's future seems quite bleak. Without serious improvements to the 
full node ratio, Bitcoin is likely to fail.

Therefore, all efforts to improve the "full node-less" experience are harmful, 
and should be actively avoided. BIP 157 improves privacy of fn-less usage, 
while providing no real benefits to full node users (compared to more 
efficient protocols like Stratum/Electrum).

For this reason, myself and a few others oppose merging support for BIP 157 in 

> Assuming a user adoption path where a full-node is required to benefit for
> LN may deprive a lot of users, especially those who are already denied a
> real financial infrastructure access.

If Bitcoin can't do it, then Bitcoin can't do it.
Bitcoin can't solve *any* problem if it becomes insecure itself.


P.S. See also
Lightning-dev mailing list