Hi everyone,

I am a final year undergraduate student at IIT Bombay, working on initial
steps of exploring routing in Lightning Network.
The following repository aims to reproduce results of the Flare Routing
[1] using
Haskell: Github repository <https://github.com/shrutihiray/lightning-flare>

The results for Reachability in LN graph after varying number of beacons
(B) and number of queried nodes (Q)  for Graph order = 2000 and Seed for
Random Generator = 212, are as follows:

                            Reachability in Graph
                   Q = 0         Q = 1          Q > 1         Total
    B = 2      0.95%       10.19%      41.02%      52.17%
    B = 4      3.31%        64.56%      31.21%     99.16%

In Figure 6 (a) of Flare Routing Paper
the results for Graph order = 2000 are (the numbers are estimated
approximately from the figure):

                            Reachability in Graph
                  Q = 0        Q = 1            Q > 1         Total
    B = 2       0%             4%              56%           60%
    B = 4       1%            79%             18%           98%

As we can see the reachability with zero queried nodes is more than
The reachability with one queried node is more than expected for 2 beacons
and lesser than expected for 4 beacons.
The reachability with more than one queried nodes is lesser than expected
for 2 beacons and is more than expected for 4 beacons.
As a result, the total reachability is lesser by around 8% for 2 beacons
and is almost equal for 4 beacons.

Please help by providing suggestions to overcome the discrepancies in
reproducing the results.
Also, suggestions are welcome to help improve the design of algorithm.

[2] https://github.com/shrutihiray/lightning-flare

Thanks and Regards,
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