Re: [Lightning-dev] Strawman BOLT11 static "offer" format using probes.

2018-11-17 Thread Rusty Russell
René Pickhardt  writes:
> Dear Rusty,
> I am not getting this proposal (maybe I am lacking some technical basic
> understandings) however I decided to ask more questions in order to
> complete my onboarding process faster and hope this is fine.
> My problem starts with the fact that I can't find the term "lightning probe
> message" in the current BOLTs  (actually the term probe only occures two
> times and these seem unrelated to what you are talking about) so I am
> confused what this is.

It would be a new message.  We don't have an equivalent at the moment,
though one was proposed for liveness testing of routes pre-payment:

Use probing with short latency constraints (ex” must reply within 100 
ms) to check that a route is usable before payment is actually sent

> As far as I understand your proposal from a high level the payer is
> supposed to create an onion package which triggers the offering of HTLCs
> with some additional metadata so that the receipient of the final onion can
> answer with a BOLT11 invoice. What I don't get is the fact that a payment
> hash needs to be known in order to offer HTLCs.

No, there's a new message, which looks like:

1. type: 260 (`fetch_invoice`)
2. data:
   * [`32`:`channel_id`]
   * [`1366`:`onion_routing_packet`]

(The onion doesn't need some of the current fields, TBD).

> In general I was wondering (already during the summit) why we don't include
> a connection oriented communication layer on top of the current protocol
> which would allow payer and payee to communicate more efficiently about
> payment and routing process and to negotiate stuff like spontaneos
> payments.

This is HORNET; I recommend reading the paper.  I admit that this
message is the camel's nose in the tent, but we're building a payment
network, not a generalized communication network.  And until we figure
out how to pay-per-message without haemorrhaging privacy, we shouldn't
build such a thing.

> I see two reasons against this: 1.) more synchronous
> communication makes stuff more complicated to implement and 2.) privacy
> concerns.

3) Lack of incentives.  Nodes forward because they want a functioning
payment network, and they hope to be rewarded for it.  At the moment you
can get spammed quite badly and never get paid; I'd like to make that
more difficult, not bake it into the protocol!

Someone may build such a thing on top of lightning, but lightning nodes
are not generalized bandwidth providers.

> Am I missing something here? (and sorry for splitting the topic but I
> didn't want to start a new one when it actually seems to fit to this
> proposal.

This is a can of worms I don't want to open for 1.1...

Lightning-dev mailing list

Re: [Lightning-dev] Strawman BOLT11 static "offer" format using probes.

2018-11-16 Thread René Pickhardt via Lightning-dev
Dear Rusty,

I am not getting this proposal (maybe I am lacking some technical basic
understandings) however I decided to ask more questions in order to
complete my onboarding process faster and hope this is fine.

My problem starts with the fact that I can't find the term "lightning probe
message" in the current BOLTs  (actually the term probe only occures two
times and these seem unrelated to what you are talking about) so I am
confused what this is.
As far as I understand your proposal from a high level the payer is
supposed to create an onion package which triggers the offering of HTLCs
with some additional metadata so that the receipient of the final onion can
answer with a BOLT11 invoice. What I don't get is the fact that a payment
hash needs to be known in order to offer HTLCs.
Though I imagine you ment it differently I would not see a problem with the
payer to know the preimage in advance as he is creating the entire onion on
his behalf and sponanious without invoice anyway. However I don't get why a
returned BOLT11 invoice is needed then. I assume that my previouse
statement is wrong anyway since you don't mention anywhere how the preimage
would be send from the payer to the payee.

In general I was wondering (already during the summit) why we don't include
a connection oriented communication layer on top of the current protocol
which would allow payer and payee to communicate more efficiently about
payment and routing process and to negotiate stuff like spontaneos
payments. I see two reasons against this: 1.) more synchronous
communication makes stuff more complicated to implement and 2.) privacy
Am I missing something here? (and sorry for splitting the topic but I
didn't want to start a new one when it actually seems to fit to this

best Rene

On Thu, Nov 15, 2018 at 4:57 AM Rusty Russell  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I want to propose a method of having reusable BOLT11 "offers" which
> provide almost-spontaneous payments as well as not requiring generating
> a BOLT11 invoice for each potential sale.
> An "offer" has a `p` field of 26 bytes (128 bits assuming top two are 0)
> (which is ignored by existing nodes).  The payer uses a new lightning
> probe message using the current onion format we use for HTLCs to
> retreive the complete invoice.
> The format of the final-hop lightning onion would contain:
> [whatever-marker-we-need?][128-bit-`p`-field][[type,len,data]+]
> We would probably define a few optional types to start:
> 1. quantity: for ordering multiple of an item, default 1.
> 2. delivery-address: steal from
> ?
> 3. signature: basically a blob so payer can prove it was them.
> The return lightning message would contain a new bolt11 invoice (perhaps
> we optimize some fields by copying from the bolt11 offer if they don't
> appear?), and an additional field:
> `m` (27) `data_length` 52.  Merkle hash of fields payer provided
> in onion msg above, and the offer `p` value.
> The payer checks the signature is correct, `m` is correct, and uses the
> invoice to pay as normal.  The bolt11 offer + fields-from-onion + bolt11
> invoice + preimage is the complete proof of payment.
> Refinements
> ---
> We can generate alternate leaves for the merkle tree (using
> SHA256(shared-secret | leafnum)) so revealing the `m` value doesn't risk
> revealing your delivery-address for example.
> The return needs to list the fields it *didn't* include in the merkle
> because it didn't accept them (the merchant doesn't want to be bound to
> conditions it doesn't understand!).
> We could add a `k` field to the bolt11 offer to allow the final invoice
> to delegated to a separate key.
> The default `x` (expiry) field for an offer which does not have an
> old-style 53-byte `p` field (ie. a "pure" offer) could be infinite.
> We could merkelize the delivery-address too :)
> I've handwaved a bit over the detailed format, because there are other
> things we want to put in the onion padding, and because the return is
> similar to the "soft-error"/"partial payment ack" proposals.
> Results
> ---
> This gives us static invoicing, and a single static invoice (without an
> amount field) can thus be used to approximate "spontaneous" donations,
> while still providing proof of payment; indeed, providing
> non-transferrable proof-of-payment since the invoice now commits to the
> payer-provided signature.
> It also provides a platform for recurring payments: while we can do this
> with preimage-is-next-payment_hash, that requires pre-generation and
> isn't compatible with static invoices.
> I apologize that this wasn't fleshed out before the summit, but I
> overestimated the power of Scriptless Scripts so had mentally deferred
> this.
> Thanks!
> Rusty.
> ___
> Lightning-dev mailing list
> ht

Re: [Lightning-dev] Strawman BOLT11 static "offer" format using probes.

2018-11-16 Thread ZmnSCPxj via Lightning-dev
Good morning Rene,

Not Rusty, but I shall spam the list as for my normal habit anyway.

>My problem starts with the fact that I can't find the term "lightning probe
>message" in the current BOLTs  (actually the term probe only occures two
>times and these seem unrelated to what you are talking about) so I am
>confused what this is.

This is basically, generating a `payment_hash` from random data, whose preimage 
it is very unlikely the payee knows, and then sending it to the payee.
Since the payee does not know the preimage, it cannot actually claim the funds.

I believe, somebody in the summit pointed out that this mechanism could, today, 
be used to stream anime.
The payee does not actually get paid, but has to return an error for why it 
cannot claim the HTLC.
The error from the payee can contain a short section of an anime movie file 
instead of an error message, which the payer then watches instead of worrying 
about why they cannot pay.

Rather than using this mechanism to stream anime, we use this mechanism to 
stream invoices, which is much more sensible use for a payment network.

>As far as I understand your proposal from a high level the payer is
>supposed to create an onion package which triggers the offering of HTLCs
>with some additional metadata so that the receipient of the final onion can
>answer with a BOLT11 invoice. What I don't get is the fact that a payment
>hash needs to be known in order to offer HTLCs.

As mentioned, this mechanism basically has the putative payer generate a random 
The error response then contains the "real" BOLT11 invoice, plus some extra 
data as described by Rusty in the initial post.

>Though I imagine you ment it differently I would not see a problem with the
>payer to know the preimage in advance as he is creating the entire onion on
>his behalf and sponanious without invoice anyway. However I don't get why a
>returned BOLT11 invoice is needed then.

Since the probe will fail, the payee does not get actually paid.
Instead the payee returns the **real** `payment_hash`, encoded (presumably) as 
part of a BOLT11 invoice.
(or we encode the BOLT11 invoice fields in binary instead of BECH32 for 
compression, and so on, but basically, the payer can now generate a BOLT11 
invoice it can pay using normal Lightning payment methods; this is my reasoning 
for proposing to add these "offers" as a separate BOLT, e.g. BOLT15. A BOLT15 
offer lets you get any number of BOLT11 invoices.)

>In general I was wondering (already during the summit) why we don't include
>a connection oriented communication layer on top of the current protocol
>which would allow payer and payee to communicate more efficiently about
>payment and routing process and to negotiate stuff like spontaneos

I believe this was the reason for pushing for HORNET implementation on 
HORNET is basically the connection communication layer being proposed, with 
improved privacy because HORNET.

For myself, I think that we should attach payments for each HORNET-style 
messaging system, and impose a `update_fail_htlc` limit so that only errors and 
a short text message can be returned for errors.

As to why not HORNET...

>I see two reasons against this: 1.) more synchronous
>communication makes stuff more complicated to implement and 2.) privacy

Mostly complexity, and concerns that people will abuse the network capacity (as 
in bytes capacity of TCP/IP connections, not satoshis capacity of channels).
That is why I think that if we *do* implement HORNET, then a payment or 
forwarding fee should be attached to each such message.
Attaching payments to the faithful delivery of HORNET-level messages is needed, 
but I am uncertain if it is feasible to do so.

Lightning-dev mailing list

Re: [Lightning-dev] Strawman BOLT11 static "offer" format using probes.

2018-11-15 Thread ZmnSCPxj via Lightning-dev
Good morning Rusty,

> > > I apologize that this wasn't fleshed out before the summit, but I
> > > overestimated the power of Scriptless Scripts so had mentally deferred
> > > this.
> >
> > My understanding is that SS is as powerful as we thought, at least for some 
> > of the applications we were hoping to use it for.
> > However, implementing SS is hard without Schnorr, because script magic with 
> > `OP_CODESEPARATOR` is magic, and we essentially stalled out and said "maybe 
> > wait for Schnorr instead".
> No, we don't get static invoices. That was my hope; that we could do
> static invoicing without an extra interaction.

At first I thought it was possible, but on reflection, you are correct.
We need some way for the payee to dynamically provide a new payment hash (or 
payment point under SS).

This is because our proof-of-payment essentially means the payer learns a 
So we cannot commit to a fixed secret if we want the static invoice to be 
shareable among multiple payers.
So the payee does need to generate new secrets each time it wants to be paid, 
and give a unique secret to the payer as separate unique proofs-of-payment.

Lightning-dev mailing list

Re: [Lightning-dev] Strawman BOLT11 static "offer" format using probes.

2018-11-15 Thread Rusty Russell
ZmnSCPxj  writes:
>> I apologize that this wasn't fleshed out before the summit, but I
>> overestimated the power of Scriptless Scripts so had mentally deferred
>> this.
> My understanding is that SS *is* as powerful as we thought, at least for some 
> of the applications we were hoping to use it for.
> However, implementing SS is hard without Schnorr, because script magic with 
> `OP_CODESEPARATOR` is magic, and we essentially stalled out and said "maybe 
> wait for Schnorr instead".

No, we don't get static invoices.  That was my hope; that we could do
static invoicing without an extra interaction.

Lightning-dev mailing list

Re: [Lightning-dev] Strawman BOLT11 static "offer" format using probes.

2018-11-15 Thread ZmnSCPxj via Lightning-dev
Good morning Rusty,

> I want to propose a method of having reusable BOLT11 "offers" which
> provide almost-spontaneous payments as well as not requiring generating
> a BOLT11 invoice for each potential sale.

Suggest making a new BOLT document.
This would be basically a new BOLT for how to generate a BOLT11 invoice.
I suggest also to use instead the term "BOLT15 advertisement".

> The return lightning message

Will this be a new message that fails the HTLC, or will we reuse 
`update_fail_htlc` to return the data as an error?

>would contain a new bolt11 invoice (perhaps
> we optimize some fields by copying from the bolt11 offer if they don't
> appear?)

Would this require some kind of canonical ordering for tagged fields in the 
generated bolt11 invoice?
For t-l-v there is proposal for types to have an absolute order (from 
lowest-numbered to highest-numbered), which would be useful for such cases 
where we want to only give unique parts of something.
Bolt11 invoices have a signature so the order of the tagged fields matters.

Lightning-dev mailing list

Re: [Lightning-dev] Strawman BOLT11 static "offer" format using probes.

2018-11-14 Thread ZmnSCPxj via Lightning-dev
Good morning Rusty,

No particular comment on static offer invoices, but instead various 

> The format of the final-hop lightning onion would contain:
> [whatever-marker-we-need?][128-bit-`p`-field][[type,len,data]+]

I think a separate BOLT for the type,len,data would be useful, and might also 
document various consistent designs of messages (such as var-length fields 
using a prefixed 16-bit length measuring number of items in the field).

BOLT #13: type,len,data standard

(I should probably move this to a new thread).

> I apologize that this wasn't fleshed out before the summit, but I
> overestimated the power of Scriptless Scripts so had mentally deferred
> this.

My understanding is that SS *is* as powerful as we thought, at least for some 
of the applications we were hoping to use it for.
However, implementing SS is hard without Schnorr, because script magic with 
`OP_CODESEPARATOR` is magic, and we essentially stalled out and said "maybe 
wait for Schnorr instead".

Lightning-dev mailing list

[Lightning-dev] Strawman BOLT11 static "offer" format using probes.

2018-11-14 Thread Rusty Russell
Hi all,

I want to propose a method of having reusable BOLT11 "offers" which
provide almost-spontaneous payments as well as not requiring generating
a BOLT11 invoice for each potential sale.

An "offer" has a `p` field of 26 bytes (128 bits assuming top two are 0)
(which is ignored by existing nodes).  The payer uses a new lightning
probe message using the current onion format we use for HTLCs to
retreive the complete invoice.

The format of the final-hop lightning onion would contain:


We would probably define a few optional types to start:

1. quantity: for ordering multiple of an item, default 1.
2. delivery-address: steal from ?
3. signature: basically a blob so payer can prove it was them.

The return lightning message would contain a new bolt11 invoice (perhaps
we optimize some fields by copying from the bolt11 offer if they don't
appear?), and an additional field:

`m` (27) `data_length` 52.  Merkle hash of fields payer provided
in onion msg above, and the offer `p` value.

The payer checks the signature is correct, `m` is correct, and uses the
invoice to pay as normal.  The bolt11 offer + fields-from-onion + bolt11
invoice + preimage is the complete proof of payment.


We can generate alternate leaves for the merkle tree (using
SHA256(shared-secret | leafnum)) so revealing the `m` value doesn't risk
revealing your delivery-address for example.

The return needs to list the fields it *didn't* include in the merkle
because it didn't accept them (the merchant doesn't want to be bound to
conditions it doesn't understand!).

We could add a `k` field to the bolt11 offer to allow the final invoice
to delegated to a separate key.

The default `x` (expiry) field for an offer which does not have an
old-style 53-byte `p` field (ie. a "pure" offer) could be infinite.

We could merkelize the delivery-address too :)

I've handwaved a bit over the detailed format, because there are other
things we want to put in the onion padding, and because the return is
similar to the "soft-error"/"partial payment ack" proposals.


This gives us static invoicing, and a single static invoice (without an
amount field) can thus be used to approximate "spontaneous" donations,
while still providing proof of payment; indeed, providing
non-transferrable proof-of-payment since the invoice now commits to the
payer-provided signature.

It also provides a platform for recurring payments: while we can do this
with preimage-is-next-payment_hash, that requires pre-generation and
isn't compatible with static invoices.

I apologize that this wasn't fleshed out before the summit, but I
overestimated the power of Scriptless Scripts so had mentally deferred

Lightning-dev mailing list