From:   Richard Shann
Subject:        Re: Patch to fix centering of some bass figures on whole notes 
and longer.
Date:   Sun, 09 Jul 2017 17:51:32 +0100

On Sun, 2017-07-09 at 18:46 +0200, David Kastrup wrote:
> Richard Shann <address@hidden> writes:
> > Simon Albrecht suggested I start a new thread for this (apologies for
> > any confusion)
> >
> > Attached is a patch that fixes the centering of single bass figures over
> > notes of duration whole note and more. The duration is tested and a
> > translate applied horizontally if needed.
> Except that the "centering" or not decision then rests on the duration
> of the bass figure rather than any properties of the note column in
> question.
> I think it isn't uncommon to have bass lines where there isn't one
> figure per bass note but there are also intermediate notes without
> figure.

Indeed, there are frequently notes without figures (more often than not
in fact) and there are also multiple figures per note, and figures on
rests. Not sure what any of that has to do with this.

In the current LilyPond the figures are centered (visually speaking - I
don't know how they relate to internals such as note column) for
durations greater than 0 but too far to the left for the others (always
referring here to the case of a single figures on a note).



** [issues:#5154] Centering bass figures on whole notes and longer**

**Status:** Started
**Created:** Fri Jul 14, 2017 03:41 PM UTC by pkx166h
**Last Updated:** Fri Jul 14, 2017 03:43 PM UTC
**Owner:** pkx166h

From:   Richard Shann
Subject:        Patch to fix centering of some bass figures on whole notes and 
Date:   Sun, 09 Jul 2017 15:05:18 +0100

Simon Albrecht suggested I start a new thread for this (apologies for
any confusion)

Attached is a patch that fixes the centering of single bass figures over
notes of duration whole note and more. The duration is tested and a
translate applied horizontally if needed.

A test snippet is this:



\time 4/2 c''\breve c'' c''1 c''

c''4 c'' c'' c''


\new FiguredBass {

\figuremode {

<_+>\breve <_-> <3>1 <3+>

<_+>4 <_-> <3> <3+>




In version until now the single character figures are placed to the left
of the true center.

Centering bass figures on whole notes and longer

This is a patch that fixes
the centering of single bass
figures over notes of duration
whole note and more.

The duration is tested and a
translate applied horizontally
if needed.


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