Hello lists,

I am trying to get cued lyrics. There has been a mail of Rainhold Kainhofer: http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/Obtaining-the-current-staff-s-context-id-from-withing-a-voice-td115463.html I can fetch the cueVoices parental Staff-ContextId ... see attached file ... but now I have another problem: If the last note of the cued music gets an associated syllable, the following notes of the main Voice are shifted together (see attached PDF)

Does someone know how to prevent this?

Best, Jan-Peter

\version "2.16.0"

% cue function that typesets associated lyrics
cueDuringWithLyrics =
#(let ((stafftag 'Staff)
       (cuenr 0))
   ; cue voice counter, if there are multiple simultaneous quotes
   (define (cue-id) (set! cuenr (+ 1 cuenr)) (format "cue~A" cuenr))
   ; get context property for alignment
   (define (alignlyrics direction)(if (eq? UP direction) 'alignAboveContext 'alignBelowContext))
   ; the music function
   (define-music-function (parser location quote direction lyrics music)
     (string? integer? ly:music? ly:music?)
     ; we need the staff-id of the contained cueVoice
     ; and we need a cue-id
     (let ((staffid #f)
           (cueid (cue-id)))
       ; dummy engraver to get the parental staff-id
       (define (getstaffid context)
         (let ((staff (ly:context-find context stafftag)))
           (if (ly:context? staff) (set! staffid (ly:context-id staff)))
           ; this engraver does nothing
       ; engraver to set the lyric alignment
       (define (aligncue context)
         `((initialize .
             ,(lambda (trans)
                ; if we have a staff-id ...
                (if (string? staffid)
                    ; ... set the alignment property
                    (ly:context-set-property! context (alignlyrics direction) staffid)
       ; now create the music
           % the music voiceOne/Two for UP/DOWN resp.
           { $(if (eq? direction UP) #{ \voiceTwo #} #{ \voiceOne #}) $music }
           \new CueVoice = $cueid \with {
             % create CueVoice with staff-id grabbing engraver
             \consists #getstaffid
           } {
             % the cued music voiceOne/Two for UP/DOWN resp.
             $(if (eq? direction UP) #{ \voiceOne #} #{ \voiceTwo #})
             % the cue is quoted, use a skip event ... the music is in the main part
             \quoteDuring $quote { $(skip-of-length music) }
           % create the lyrics with smaller text-size
           \new Lyrics \with {
             % the alignment setter fetches the grabbed staff-id
             \consists #aligncue
             fontSize = -2
             \override LyricText #'font-shape = #'italic
           } % lyricsto the CueVoice
           \lyricsto $cueid \lyricmode { $lyrics }
         % reset voice to oneVoice

%%% Example

% create quote
\addQuote "myquote" \relative c'' {
  \repeat unfold 10 { bes4 a c b }

% make music ...
  % staff with a unique context-id
  \new Staff = "mystaff1" {
    % cue with lyrics: one syllable less than needed
    \cueDuringWithLyrics "myquote" #DOWN \lyricmode { b a c h x y z } { R1*2 }
    % more music
    \relative c'' \repeat unfold 4 { c4 a f d }
  \new Staff = "mystaff2" {
    % cue with lyrics: more syllables than needed
    \cueDuringWithLyrics "myquote" #UP \lyricmode { b a c h x y z q q q } { R1*2 }
    % the following notes are shifted, if the last cue-note has a syllable?
    \relative c'' \repeat unfold 4 { c4 a f d }

Attachment: cueLyrics.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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