Dear Gilles,
thanks again for Your explanation!

Am Sa., 23. Apr. 2022 um 22:45 Uhr schrieb Gilles Thibault <

> > I would like to ask You two questions concerning the code, You've
> > sended:
> > 1. How does the function noteToRest "know", that the f sharp has to be
> > converted to a rest?
> It is not an EventChord, only a NoteEvent
> > 2. Is it possible to to convert
> >    fis'8 r8
> > to
> >    r4
> You can then use ""
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> \version "2.22.0"
> \include ""
> global = { \time 7/8 s8*7*2 }
> #(init '(dummy))
> flutes =  {
>    <f' g'>8 r fis' 8 r  <d' gis'>8 r8 r
>    <f' g'>8  r fis'  <d' gis'>8 r r4 }
> noteToRest = #(define-music-function (music) (ly:music?)
>    (map-some-music
>       (lambda(evt)
>         (case (name-of evt) ;; defined in ""
>           ((EventChord) evt)
>           ((NoteEvent) (make-music 'RestEvent
>                                    'duration (ly:music-property evt
> 'duration)))
>           (else #f)))
>       music))
> flA = \extractNote #2 \flutes
> flB = \extractNote #1 \noteToRest \flutes
> #(rm 'flB '(1 4) #{ r4 #})
> \score { <<
>    \new Staff << \global \flutes >>
>    \new Staff << \global \flA >>
>    \new Staff << \global \flB >>
>    >>
> }
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> If you want to insert #{ r4 #} in the second beat of several bars, you
> can use x-rm
> and apply :
> #(apply x-rm 'flB #{ r4 #} (map (lambda(n)(list n 4))
>                                  '(1 3 7 12 19))) % => '((1 4) (3 4) (7
> 4)....)
> If the 2 first bars are a rhythmic pattern used a lot of time in the
> piece, you would probably prefer to use the function cp (changePitch).
> --
> Gilles

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