Is it good enough to add this to your file?

\version "2.XXX"


Le 03/01/2021 à 17:58, Hans Kraus a écrit :
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to get in touch with J. B. He did/engraved (?) "Du süße Lieb, schenk uns deine Gunst" by LilyPond on 27. 8. 12. On the score sheet it says "Music engraving by LilyPond 2.16.0. (Would this information help?)
Thanks a lot for your answer in advance.

Best musical regards,
Hans Kraus
Hans Kraus
Ulmenweg 4
96123 Naisa
Tel 09505-1778
+49  163 1299 569

Hans auf drei acht  
Hans Kraus singt die 7. Strophe des Frankenliedes  

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