I am trying to build a package for Persian percussion (for tombak and daf instruments) while learning Lilypond.  My  basic layout uses single staff drum mode, note stems up.  Traditionally, virtually every note is adorned with special symbols and finger numbers written above note stems.

I now have a set of music-functions that use \markup commands to place these symbols over the bd notes  in drummode of Lilypond. So, for notes commonly referred to as tom, bak, ka, tomka, baka, snap2 snap3, etc., I now enter "\drummode { \tom bd4 \bak bd8 \ka bd8 \tomka bd4 \baka bd4 \snap2 bd16 \snap3 bd }", etc.

As an aside, I do not like my current set up and would like to have custom-made modes tombakmode and dafmode where I can simply enter "\tombakmode { tom4, bak8, ka8, tomka4, baka4, snap2 16 snap3 }", etc.  As a novice, I do not know how I can define my own mode, so I leave this as a future project for now.  Nevertheless, I appreciate any help, comments, pointer on this future project of mine.

Back to my current struggle with tuplets: I cannot find a way to tweak Lilypond through its tuplet-bracket interface (or any other) to place tuplet brackets where I want them.

Where Lilypond places tuplet brackets now is above note stems, below all special symbols that I add to the notes (with markup). The problem with this is that those special symbols are really an integral part of each note and must not be separated from the note stems by tuplet brackets or anything else.  I can think of two alternatives for placement of tuplet brackets, but I am unable to tweak Lilypond to do either one.

The first (less desirable) alternative is to get Lilypond place tuplet brackets above all special markup on top of note stems. Even if I can do this, it is not ideal, because with so many symbols stacked on top of one another over note stems, it gets too crowded up there.

The second alternative is to get Lilypond to place tuplet brackets below the note heads (i.e., between the note heads and ties or hairpins).  This area is far less crowded (sometimes we get hairpins or ties there, but not often). Not surprisingly, this is where traditionally people write tuplet brackets for such scores, anyway.



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