Hi. In a large choral score I'd like to write a ritardando that appears
only in the top of the entire system (together with \tempo markings) -
without having to define the ritardando in the topmost staff. The voices in
the top staffgroup have no music (just a long series of rests) where the
ritardando is to be placed.

Is it possible to define a spanner in one voice and then move the text to
be positioned above the top staff?
In the example below I'd like to have "rit _ _ _ _ _ _al  Lento" in the top
of the system.

Here's my attempt at a tiny example:

\version "2.16.2"

 soprano = \relative c' {

\repeat unfold 2 { c8 e g }

\override TextSpanner #'(bound-details left text) = "rit."

\override TextSpanner #'(bound-details right text) = "al"

\override TextSpanner #'(bound-details right attach-dir) = #LEFT


\repeat unfold 2 { c8 e g }

c d \stopTextSpan

\tempo Lento

e2 d


alto = \relative c'' {

\repeat unfold 4 { g4 e g }


 \score {


\new Staff { R1*3 }

 \new ChoirStaff <<

\new Staff

\new Voice \soprano

\new Staff

\new Voice \alto



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