Once upon a time this built. It might be a good starting point.

% utf-8 encoding
\version "2.16.0"
\language english
\include "guitar.ly"
#(set-global-staff-size 22)

\paper {
        #(set-paper-size "letter")
        top-margin = 0.5\in
        markup-system-spacing #'padding = #2 % spacing between title and staff
        bottom-margin = 0.75\in
        ragged-last-bottom = ##f
        tagline = ##f
} % paper

\layout {
        \override Score.ChordName #'font-size = #0
        \override Score.LyricText #'font-size = #0
} % layout

\header {
    title = \markup { \fontsize #-1 "O Canada : Canadian National Anthem / 
Hymne National" }
%    title = \markup { \fontsize #-1 "O Canada : Hymne National / Canadian 
National Anthem" }
    composer = "Music: Calixa Lavallée  (1842-1891)"
    arranger = \markup {\fontsize #-1 "English lyrics: Robert Stanley Weir 
(amended 1968) / les paroles en français: Adolphe-Basile Routhier" }
%    arranger = \markup {\fontsize #-1 "les paroles en français: Adolphe-Basile 
Routhier / English lyrics: Robert Stanley Weir (amended 1968)" }
        enteredby = "Peter Buhr"
} % header

harmony = \chordmode {
        f2 c/e | d1:min | f | c |
        f2 g | a1:min | c2/g g | c1 |
        g2:min c/e | f1 | bf2 g:min | c1 |
        g2:min c/e | f1 | g2:sus4 g | c1 |
        f2 c/e | d1:min | g2:min d:min/f | c1/e |
        f2 a | bf1 | d2:min g:min/bf | a1 |
        f2 f/a | bf1 | f2/c c | f1 |
} % harmony

melody = \relative c' {
        \key f \major
        a2 c4. c8 | f,2. g4 | a bf c d | g,2. r4 | \break
        a2 b4. b8 | c2. d4 | e e d d | c2. g8. a16 | \break
        bf4. a8 g4 a8. bf16 | c4. bf8 a4 bf8. c16 | d4 c bf a | g2. g8. a16 | 
        bf4. a8 g4 a8. bf16 | c4. bf8 a4 a | g c c8 [ b ] a b | c2 s2 | \break
        a2 c4. c8 | f,2 s2 | bf2 d4. d8 | g,2 s2 | \break
        c2 cs4. cs8 | d4 bf a g | f2 g2 | a2. r4 | \break
        c2 f4. f8 | d4 bf a g | c2 e,2 | f2. r4 | \bar "|."
} % melody

english = \lyricmode {
        O Can -- a -- da! Our home and na -- tive land
        True pa -- triot love in all thy sons com -- mand With __ _
        glow -- ing hearts we __ _ see thee rise The __ _ True North strong and 
free! From __ _
        far and wide O __ _ Can -- a -- da, we stand on guard _ for __ _ thee.
        God keep our land glo -- rious and free!
        O Can -- a -- da, we stand on guard for thee.
        O Can -- a -- da, we stand on guard for thee.
} % english

french = \lyricmode {
        O Can -- a -- da! Ter -- re de nos ai -- eur,
        Ton front est ceint de fleu -- rons glo -- ri -- eux! Car ton
        bras sait por -- ter l'é -- pé __ _ \markup{ - e, \hspace #1 } Il __ _ 
sait por -- ter la croix! \markup{ Ton \hspace #1 } his -- 
        toire est une é -- po -- pé __ _ \markup{ - e, \hspace #1 } Des plus 
bril -- lants _ ex __ _ \markup{ - ploits }
        Et ta va -- leux, de foi trem -- pée,
        Pro -- té -- ge -- ra nos foy -- ers et nos droits.
        Pro -- té -- ge -- ra nos foy -- ers et nos droits.
} %french

\score {
    \transpose f c
%    \transpose f ef
                \context ChordNames = one {
                        \set chordChanges = ##t
                \context Voice = one {
                        \clef "treble_8"
                \lyricsto "one" \new Lyrics \english
                \lyricsto "one" \new Lyrics \french

% Local Variables: %
% tab-width: 4 %
% compile-command: "lilypond --ps OCanada.ly" %
% End: %

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