Hi Robert,

I use trickery:
1) with a shortened first note duration to stop the first tie
2) with hidden notes to get ties to start/stop at a time I want

\version "2.21.0"

% By Nick Payne. Hide notes etc but also avoid (invisible) collisions.

transOn = {
  \override NoteColumn.ignore-collision = ##t
  \override NoteHead.no-ledgers = ##t
  \hide NoteHead
  \hide Stem
  \hide Flag
  \hide Beam
  \hide Dots
  \hide Accidental
  \hide TupletBracket
  \hide TupletNumber

\score {
    \new Staff {
        \clef bass
        \relative c {
            <f, c'>1*1/4~ \once \transOn q2 \once \transOn q4~ |
            \once \transOn q1 |



On 12/21/19 12:32 PM, Robert Blackstone wrote:
Hi Robin,

I tried some of the procedures I found on
https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2019-05/msg00202.html, the thread you advised me  to look at but they did not help me very much. So I tried to  develop some trick or tweak without having to program things with scheme, with which I have no experience at all. Anyway, I found something that gave me a result, not quite identical to what I wanted to get, but good enough for me and probably sufficiently clear for a pianist.

See the attached screenshot.

Best regards,


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