It had occurred to me in the past that lilypond user digests were maybe too
small, but I didn't mention it as it hasn't reached the point of becoming
an inconvenience. Now... overnight, I got 11 digests in a span of about 6

When I sign up for a list in digest mode, I expect 1-3 messages in a day.
Lilypond has been over that amount as long as I've been subscribed, but
traffic was low enough that it wasn't really an issue. Now there's a hot
thread* going on, and the low threshold to roll over to the next digest is
making the digest less of a digest.

Would it be possible to adjust this?



* PS I don't begrudge that thread in the slightest. I think it's a great
idea to have a practical guide for producing large scores, and the list is
a fine place for that discussion. My issue is just that the digest settings
are perhaps not ideal.
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