Hi lilyponders!

I have a problem with a frenched score. From a larger piece I'm creating an excerpt for the choir and that shall be "frenched", aka voices that have nothing to do are removed while they are silent.

As documented this is nicely done when I add a
to the Staff context.

However for the Choir excerpt there sometimes are longer passages without any choir participation and those passages are then just empty (see also the attached example).

What I would want for such situations is at least a single empty Staff such that the timeline is there.

In the attached example I could kind of solve the problem by using
instead, but that doesn't help in the middle of the piece.

Has someone a solution to this problem?
I can't imagine I'm the first to come across it.

Kind regards,
 Michael Gerdau       email: m...@qata.de
 GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver

Attachment: FrenchedScore-Problem.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

\version "2.25.12"

global = {
  \key fis \minor
  \time 3/4
  \tempo "Andante"

soprano = \relative c'' {
  R1*3/4*6 |
  \tempo "Rall."
  \mark \default
  \tempo "Andantino"
  R1*3/4 |
  \time 2/4 R1*2/4*2 |
  \time 3/4 R1*3/4 |
  \time 2/4 R1*2/4 |
  \time 3/4 R1*3/4 |
  \time 2/4 R1*2/4 |
  \mark \default
  \time 3/4 R1*3/4*3 |
  \time 2/4 R1*2/4 |
  \time 3/4 R1*3/4 |
  \time 2/4 R1*2/4 |
  \mark \default
  \time 3/4 R1*3/4 |

alto = \relative c' {
  R1*3/4*6 |
  \tempo "Rall."
  \mark \default
  \tempo "Andantino"
  R1*3/4 |
  \time 2/4 R1*2/4*2 |
  \time 3/4 R1*3/4 |
  \time 2/4 R1*2/4 |
  \time 3/4 R1*3/4 |
  \time 2/4 R1*2/4 |
  \mark \default
  \time 3/4 \new CueVoice { cis8[(\p^"Cors" b] cis4. b8 | cis8[ e] cis4 b) | 
e4( dis8[ e] fis4 |
  \time 2/4 dis8[ cis] e4 |
  \time 3/4 dis8[ cis] b[ cis] cis[ e] |
  \time 2/4 cis4 b) } |
  \mark \default
  \time 3/4 r8 fis'8\p e[( fis]) fis4 |

tenor = \relative e' {
  R1*3/4*6 |
  \tempo "Rall."
  \mark \default
  \tempo "Andantino"
  R1*3/4 |
  \time 2/4 R1*2/4*2 |
  \time 3/4 R1*3/4 |
  \time 2/4 R1*2/4 |
  \time 3/4 R1*3/4 |
  \time 2/4 R1*2/4 |
  \mark \default
  \time 3/4 R1*3/4*3 |
  \time 2/4 R1*2/4 |
  \time 3/4 R1*3/4 |
  \time 2/4 R1*2/4 |
  \mark \default
  \time 3/4 R1*3/4 |

bass = \relative c' {
  R1*3/4*6 |
  \tempo "Rall."
  \mark \default
  \tempo "Andantino"
  R1*3/4 |
  \time 2/4 R1*2/4*2 |
  \time 3/4 R1*3/4 |
  \time 2/4 R1*2/4 |
  \time 3/4 R1*3/4 |
  \time 2/4 R1*2/4 |
  \mark \default
  \time 3/4 R1*3/4*3 |
  \time 2/4 R1*2/4 |
  \time 3/4 R1*3/4 |
  \time 2/4 R1*2/4 |
  \mark \default
  \time 3/4 R1*3/4 |

altoVerse = \lyricmode {
  Do -- mi -- ne

\score {
  \new ChoirStaff <<
    \new Staff \with {
      instrumentName = "Sopran"
      shortInstrumentName = "S"
    } { \soprano }
    \new Staff \with {
      instrumentName = "Alt"
      shortInstrumentName = "A"
    } { \new Voice = "alto" { \alto } }
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "alto" { \altoVerse }
    \new Staff \with {
      instrumentName = "Tenor"
      shortInstrumentName = "T"
    } { \clef "treble_8" \tenor }
    \new Staff \with {
      instrumentName = "Bass"
      shortInstrumentName = "B"
    } { \clef bass \bass }
  \layout {
    \context {
    \context {
      \override LyricHyphen.minimum-distance = #1.0
      \override LyricSpace.minimum-distance = #1.0

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