Hi list,

I think this is a recurring theme and I'm aware there are workarounds (kind of).

However I would like to ask if there is work on automatically continuing slurs,
lyrics and lyric extender lines in alternate repeats.

Find below an example as to how I would want to input the stuff and what it
should be rendered like.

Is this something that is deemed an enhancement,
or am I the only one not liking the current state of affairs
or is there a better solution that I'm simply not aware of?

%%% snip %%%
\version "2.19.59"

\markup {
  \left-column {
    "This is what I get from Lilypond"
    "when I write alternate repeats with lyrics"
    "the way I would want to write them..."

music = {
  \repeat volta 2 { c'8 c'4 c'8 c'8 c'8 c'8 c'8( }
  \alternative { { c'4 c') c'2 } { c'4 c') c'2 } }
lyric = \lyricmode {
  The words shall get ex -- ten -- der __  lines }
lyricII = \lyricmode {
  The slurs shall be con -- tin -- ued __ too }

\score {
  \addlyrics { \lyric }
  \addlyrics { \lyricII }

\markup {
  \left-column {
    " "
    " "
    "...and this is what I think Lilypond"
    "should make of it automatically"

musicb = {
  \repeat volta 2 { c'8 c'4 c'8 c'8 c'8 c'8 c'8( }
  \alternative { { c'4 c') c'2 }
                 { <>-\tweak control-points #'((-2 . -3.9) (0 . -5.2) (2 . -5.2)
(4.0 . -3.9)) ( c'4 c') c'2 } }

lyricb = \lyricmode {
  The words shall get ex -- ten -- der __  lines "____" too }
lyricIIb = \lyricmode {
  The slurs shall be con -- tin -- ued }

\score {
  \addlyrics { \lyricb }
  \addlyrics { \lyricIIb }
%%% snip %%%

Kind regards,
Michael Gerdau       email: m...@qata.de
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