Dear all,

I marked this message 'off topic' since it does not have anything
to do with LilyPond -- it is intended for the musical community in

As some of you may know, I'm a happy LilyPond user but I also use and
maintain a simple tool called 'chord'. It prints song texts with
chords, 6-string chord diagrams, nothing fancy, but well appreciated
by many mostly guitar players. It's an old program (the first version
dates from 1991) and I forked it a couple of years ago to make some
improvements. The project page is at .

I'm about to release a new version that has support for other
instruments than a 6-string guitar. It can draw chord diagrams for 4-
and 5-string instruments as well.

I'm sure there are several banjo, ukelele and mandolin players on this
list and I would like to ask your assistance in helping me compile
chord definitions for these instruments.

As this is not related to LilyPond please reply to me, not to this

Thank you for your attention.

-- Johan

lilypond-user mailing list

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