From: Peter Gentry [] 
Sent: 05 March 2017 16:21
To: '' <>
Subject: Re:tweaking clefs


Timothy Lanfear supplied a simple understandable way of achieving my aims.  


However on reflection there is a drawback; the midi output is not correct.
Two identical midi outputs with the same name are produced but share the
same midi instrument 


This is not a serious issue(in the one instrument case)  as midi output at
best is only a good check of the harmonies or lack thereof.

Try as I may I cannot seem to provide a different midi instrument for the
two staves although the midi data components appear to be essential for a
successful layout .


The process will is good to input Basson music and display the equivalent
Bass Clarinet music but isn't much use when the aim is to produce music
transposed for a variety of instruments with midi output to quickly check
the entire score. This remains a multi step process.

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