
I'm slowly starting to get a grip on the \repeat segno features, but I need some hints on how to best use it for a ABACA type rondo.

My first attempt was the following, where especially the placement of the double wheel (coda) symbol looks weird, since it ends up at the end of the first couplet, not at the beginning of the second couplet.

\version "2.24.0"
\fixed c' {
  \repeat segno 3 {
    c2 d | e d | c1 |
    \volta 3 \fine
      \volta 1 { f2 f | e1 | \break \section }
      \volta 2 { d2 e | d1 | \section }

I could fix that by changing CodaMark.break-visibility, but it feels like a feature that should be possible to automate

\fixed c' {
  \repeat segno 3 {
    c2 d | e d | c1 |
    \volta 3 \fine
      \volta 1 { f2 f | e1 | \override Score.CodaMark.break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible \break \section }
      \volta 2 { d2 e | d1 | \section }

However, in many such pieces, for example in Page 25 of Bärenreiter's edition of Rameau's Pièces de clavecin avec une méthode, https://imslp.org/wiki/Pi%C3%A8ces_de_clavecin_avec_une_m%C3%A9thode%2C_RCT_2-4_(Rameau%2C_Jean-Philippe), the layout is rather something like

\fixed c' {
  c2 d | e d | c1 |
  \sectionLabel "1:e Reprise"
  f2 f | e1 |
  \jump "D.C. al Fine" \section \break
  \sectionLabel "2:e Reprise"
  d2 e | d1 |
  \jump "D.C. al Fine" \section

which I haven't been able to typeset using \repeat segno. Also, the above example gives a warning that I have music after \fine (I know I could turn off such warnings).

If I try to add section labels, as in the following failing example, LilyPond complains that these conflict with the coda-mark-event and ignores the manual labels.

\fixed c' {
  \repeat segno 3 {
    c2 d | e d | c1 |
    \volta 3 \fine
      \volta 1 {
    \sectionLabel "1:e Reprise"
    f2 f | e1 |
    \override Score.CodaMark.break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible \break \section }
      \volta 2 {
    \sectionLabel "2:e Reprise"
    d2 e | d1 | \section }

Did I miss something obvious, or doesn't \repeat segno currently support such rondo forms in a good way? I have attached a .ly file with all the above examples, if anybody wants to play around with them.


\version "2.24.0"
\markup "Default layout"
\fixed c' {
  \repeat segno 3 {
    c2 d | e d | c1 |
    \volta 3 \fine
      \volta 1 { f2 f | e1 | \break \section }
      \volta 2 { d2 e | d1 | \section }

\markup "Move label of last couplet to next line"
\fixed c' {
  \repeat segno 3 {
    c2 d | e d | c1 |
    \volta 3 \fine
      \volta 1 { f2 f | e1 | \override Score.CodaMark.break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible \break \section }
      \volta 2 { d2 e | d1 | \section }

\markup "Manual setup. Cannot be obtained using repeat segno(!?). Warns about music after fine."
\fixed c' {
  c2 d | e d | c1 |
  \sectionLabel "1:e Reprise"
  f2 f | e1 |
  \jump "D.C. al Fine" \section \break 
  \sectionLabel "2:e Reprise"
  d2 e | d1 | 
  \jump "D.C. al Fine" \section

\markup "Failed attempt"
\fixed c' {
  \repeat segno 3 {
    c2 d | e d | c1 |
    \volta 3 \fine
      \volta 1 {
	\sectionLabel "1:e Reprise"
	f2 f | e1 |
	\override Score.CodaMark.break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible \break \section }
      \volta 2 {
	\sectionLabel "2:e Reprise"
	d2 e | d1 | \section }

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