> This works for me, Randy:
>     \override Glissando #'style = #'zigzag
>     \once \override Glissando #'(bound-details left Y) = #+3
>     | r4 r8 ees'~ ees4 \glissando ges,8 ess

Thanks Michael, overriding the bound details is a good idea, but on chords,
all the gliss lines converge to one point. I've attached a picture of the
sort of output I'm trying to achieve. It's very common in rock guitar

I guess my Subject line was a little inaccurate, not just slides, but falls
specifically. I've edited the subject line.

Here's the core of the approach I'm trying to accomplish this with (version

    fall = #(define-music-function (input) (ly:music?)
            \afterGrace 16/16 << $input <>\glissando >>
                \hideNotes $input \unHideNotes
    \relative { \fall e'8 e, e16 e e d r2 }

Which, for me, produces a the output you can see in the second attachment
(I'm trying to transcribe the guitar parts of Royal Orleans by Led
Zeppelin). There are several problems with this:

   1. I would like to be able to attach it post-note as is normally done
   with \glissando and other articulations (but I'm not sure how that
   works, and I haven't looked into it yet);
   2. in relative music blocks, it appears that using a music variable that
   contains an octave mark makes the note change octaves each the variable
   containing it is used (as is the case with this, where you can see the
   invisible note has jumped an octave again); and
   3. when I hide the grace note with \hideNotes, the note before it starts
   beaming to it (!)

If you or anybody on the list knows how these problems could be solved, I
could sleep better at night :) I'm definitely a little obsessive about
programming problems.

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